Monday, July 7, 2008

Chicken Broth When Is It Too Old To Use

Granarolo Faentino ImoLUG

It 'a lot' that I do not write on the blog .... a bit 'for lack of time, a little' for lack of desire.
of things to say there could be many ..... or not ....
Well, July 10 to 15 - barring accidents - will be at the Unity Day of Granarolo Faenza , but not to eat like one might think ... I will be one of the characters in the feast of ' ImoLUG .
Yes, we will be there as well. Ready to explain to people that the Penguin is not just a pretty animal inhabitant of the poles, is also a viable alternative to Windows.
Linux, now, is no longer the freak system for it once was. Today, thanks to the live distro you can try the system without even having to change the hard disk. Get a Live (which you can find, barring unforeseen circumstances, the counter at the fair Granarolo Faenza, which we called ourselves), insert it into the CD and boot the PC. Et voila, here is the penguin working with a whole wagon programs already installed and ready to try. Many people use the live distro for simple tasks as you can connect to the Internet to read mail or look at a site.
But I do not anticipate too much. Those interested can visit us at the counter at Unity Day in Granarolo Faenza.