Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ultimate Attraction Movie

Where find the course of the ten commandments

Updated in November 2009

Here are the events in major Italian cities (*):

Assisi (PG) - Santa Maria degli Angeli: every Sunday at 19:15;
Barbarano Vicentino (VI) - Convento di San Pancrazio: every Friday at at 21:00;
Bra (CN) - Convent of the Capuchins: info fr. Michele Rivoira 3338715883;
Caserta - Parish and St. Mary of Mount Caramel SS John Bosco: Every Wednesday at 20:30
Castel Maggiore (BO) - S. Hall Andrea: Every Sunday at 21:00;
Foligno (PG) - Teatro San Carlo: every Sunday at 21:00 with Fra Massimo Cavalieri
Frascati (RM) - Convent of St. Bonaventure: every Sunday at 20:30 with Father Louis Recchia;
Mantova - Parish Rivalta sul Mincio: Every Sunday at 20:30 with Don Daniel Bigham;
Milan - Convent of the convent of S. Angelo: Every Sunday at 20:30 with the Friars Minor;
Naples - Face Sanctuary: every Tuesday at 21:00 with Father Damian
Naples - Parish of the Holy Spirit and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Fatima
Boscoreale (NA) - Church of the Immaculate Conception: every Thursday at 20:00;
Pisa - Convent of Santa Croce: Every Sunday at 21:00 with Father Andrea Maria;
Reggio Calabria - Start date in January 2010;

To Rome the update in January 2011
Rome - Parish of St. Mark's Square Venice every Sunday with people over the age of thirty years and at 21:00 every Monday with people under the age of thirty years at St. Giovanni in Laterano, both courses are led by Don Fabio Rosini
Rome - St. Teresa of Avila Parish:?
Rome - Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Courses start at 21.00 on January 30 Parish theater with Don Fabio Pieroni;
There are still many other parishes in which the course is done but are unable to provide more accurate data

Sassari - Santuario Madonna delle Grazie: every Wednesday at 21:00 with Father Pietro Marini;
Teramo - Santuario Madonna delle Grazie: every Wednesday at 20:30 with Fra and Fra Giulio Marcello;
Torino - Convent of Monte dei Cappuccini: info fr. Claudio 3391415327 / fr. Michele 3294012342;
Verona - Parish of SS. Guardian Angels: Every Sunday at 19:00 with Don Mauro.

(*) you should inquire at the parish if you can still take the course in progress, a lot of information about when to start up (or use google any other search engine with the name of the parish and the city to get the updated phone numbers). Happy journey!