Friday, April 23, 2010

Star Wars Polly Pockets

"The Return of the Dinosaur" by Piero Dorfles

"I look old who thinks that knowledge of history, literature of the past, the social and cultural processes that have gone before us are not used to living in the present. There must be a way to combine technological advancement and culture. And I will not go back I will go ahead in a world that has more culture, more awareness, more self-awareness. I rebel without a rebellion because there is acceptance, and if we do not charge a fee, you succumb. If not reflected, designing, analyzing and criticizing, then yes it is extinct. "

Piero Piero Dorfles belongs to a generation that has grown and has formed before the advent of computers. In some ways it is a dinosaur, although it is certainly not a traditionalist or an opponent of progress. However it looks like the decline in the value of culture, which finds fertile ground in the expansion of new technologies has had an enormous influence on the processes of communication and education, as well as our identity and personal relationships.
Inspired by cinema, television and comics, Piero Dorfles helps us to understand how the contradictions of modernity are likely to impoverish our inner lives and our social role. What suggests the return of the dinosaur - covering from the operation of the institutions of our country - is a perspective in which culture can be an antidote during involution. Because in a rapidly changing environment, only the culture - that is able to plan the future without losing touch with our roots - may help us make informed choices and give meaning and direction to our experience.

Piero Dorfles
is a journalist and literary critic. Rai In forty years, he edited several radio and television programs including The millennium bug and the band. Patrizio Roversi has added Marcorè and Blacks in the conduct of the hit television show for a handful of books. He is the author of essays on the world of communication such as Carousel and atlas of radio and television.

Return dinosaur
Peter Dorfles