Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lasagne Cheese Has Mold

This strange and crazy world called Second Life

said a saying: "by the
also the onions turn to ".....

And of course I would not be outdone .... NO! I'm not turning into a garlic.

's just that I heard of some strength from the various Second Life TG, RSS feeds from various scattered around the network Singer and company could come to me 2 "side effects":
1) for a total rejection of what "disgusted by the media" (as it was for the Titanic with DiCaprio)
2) a curiosity 'to heal, the kind that you gnaw inside to the core

And you think what could happen to me? But the second course ...

So GO! we go to the Second Life website and try to see what "stuff" is ...

Well, as I am a strong supporter of new technologies, so finding 'exciting simulated a virtual world (which among other things I am reminded of the movie "The 13th floor ") seems to me an exaggeration ...

However, I always log out of curiosity, I create my avatar (I or my virtual alter-ego) as a model that seems to me. I can customize everything, from sex (male, female, or other genres like weird crosses between animals and so on ...), the hair color and length, clothing, etc. ...
practically walk 2 hours to draw yourself (oh You can also change the fabric of the clothes if you do not like).

After the "creation" that makes you feel a bit 'like God, do for a first virtual world. You learn to use the world around them, and to move learn the concepts of base you need it next.

We then move to a world of "training" where you can do whatever you want, create objects (you also have the possibilities in Second Life). Here you can stay there as long as you want, even while they know people who are like you and we chat.
course, in full respect of the technology you can start with a microphone and headphones, or, failing this, with the classic keyboard chat system.
When you feel ready then you switch to the world of Second Life itself. Here is just about anything.

Sometimes I connect, I make a tour to see what's up, but here to share my life with digital (ie spend more than a few hours every now and then attacked them) will have to pass water under the bridge ...

However and 'well done, there is also a local currency, the Linden Dollar (L $ symbol), and that' bought from the site of Second Life with real money paid by credit card or PayPal.

There are also some limitations: When you log on you and 'automatically a User Base.
This type of user has the option to purchase up to the equivalent of $ 10 normal L $ (Linden Dollar) within 1 week and $ 10 normal by 1 month (which, as you can see, if one buys now $ 10 L $ for the rest of the 30 days of the month can not buy).

The change depends on a mechanism that francemente, I've tried a lot to understand.
When I looked, $ 10 nromali equivalevando to 2580 L $
Obviously this is because in the virtual world there are services that are free and others are not.

To remove these limitations need to upgrade your profile. Upgrade, of course, is a fee, with monthly fee varies according to the category you want to become. In case of failure to pay the "monthly" returns to be a user base.

character commands can be performed either with the keyboard and the mouse (much more comfortable using the keyboard "keys Fracci").

nice that there is a function to send a "postcard" mail to an e-mail. As useful as no ... (See below)

What am I sitting in the foreground (or rather my avatar) in one of the rooms there are in the world. This for the accuracy also offers the possibility to dance (using the animation objects of their avatars, who are in the room). Here there is widespread streaming of music, with headphones and / or speakers you can listen (or require the interface board using the site FREE access for distribution through the image of a jukebox).

Well, it's all for now. If I find exciting things you will communicate.



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