Sunday, January 31, 2010

Microdermal Jewelry Transformers

January 24, 2010 - Francesco Rossi De Gasperis

Like last year, Father Francesco de Rossi Gasperis, a Jesuit biblical scholar, professor at the Institute bibbliche of Rome and Jerusalem, he gave us an amazing evening.
Invited by Don Fabio, this year has come to talk about this " Prophecy and history."

After an opening prayer and once we entered a small presentation on the substance of the speech. Father Francis speaks with calmness and tranquility. Sometimes you stop to think about stopping off in speech. Then resumes. We were all in silence trying to take everything we could. He sometimes wondered if there was clear or less what he said. It was very clear. Thanks for this valuable meeting.

We recorded the catechesis and if I try to make it possible to download the file via a link. Other interested parties may send me an email and I will try to oblige.


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