Monday, June 21, 2010

Kitchenaid Paddle Dishwasher Safe

Webcast June 20

"So this time the process will take the palms of your hands in the mudra three pranakriya. Mudra means posture. The index finger touches the base of the thumb. This is pranakriya three Mudra. In this posture, the hands will be in the middle of the thighs. Now, let's start with the lessons, will be repeated seven times as usual. "Thoughts are not mine." "The mind is not mine." "This body is mine." "All things are happening automatically." "There is not but see who sees "" There is thinking but not those who think. "" There is listen but those who listen. "" There is action but who does not. "" There is no person here. "" I am Love. "" The whole world is family. "Now, the main process change.
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