Sunday, October 24, 2010

Does Eyeshadow Have To Match Blush?

Contemplations from September to now

The easiest and fastest way to grow on the spiritual path is to be fully aware of his burning desire to be important and recognized.

not look at the negative side of those who have not been right with you, but rather the act of help that will lead to greater spiritual reward. "

The entrance is on a spiritual feeling gratitude for all that happened in his life and the people involved in it. "

Fear is the biggest obstacle on the spiritual path: Face your fears.

See yourself in others and others see in you.

Be yourself

Distancing from your mind you will have the understanding of all things

When voluntarily cease all judgments, there is unity with all that exists

The awakened acts without having to do anything, this is not a practice.

The Awakened is empty and thus capable of. One should not try to empty itself.

The Awakened is detached from all things, and therefore one with everything. The posting when "practice" that leads to indifference and detachment.

The Awakened sees the world as himself. He loves and cares of the world as himself. For the awakened all things are perfect as they are.

The Awakened, unmoving, and the action comes from itself. The Awakened allows things to come and go, like clouds in the sky. The awakened supports all beings without trying to do it.

The Awakened is open to everyone and everything settles down.

The Awakened is one with what was there before the birth of the universe

: What is eternally present, which is born and dies,
that has no beginning and no end, always unchanging, lonely, empty, infinite, blissful
, the 'I' ever.

The Awakened remains motionless until the action is not based on perfect

alone. The Awakened is free from all points of view and concepts: One is with
what it is.

The Awakened travel without travel

Awakening is open to all people and all situations and flows with them.

The Awakened sees the world emerge (emerge) from the void, because it accepts the world as it is

. At a time when awakened the world to accept what is
, the Awakened stabilized in the primary self.

The Awakened has neither will nor illusions. The Awakened simply

lives (lives) in reality

The awakened does not seek to change the world. For waking up is perfect and holy

The Awakened sees things as they are, does not seek to control or determine.

The Awakened does not try to convince altri.Il Awakened knows what must happen will happen and what should not happen will not happen, and that the universe is always out of control

The Awakened has no plans or a predetermined goal.
The Awakened
accepts himself and the world accepts the Awakened. The Awakened
knows himself and therefore has the wisdom.
The Awakened has no inner conflicts and so has the real power. The Awakened
embraces death, because death does not exist for the Awakened One.

The Awakened knows that there is anything to learn, you only need to unlearn

The Awakened does not achieve anything, because there is not anything to be realized.

The Awakened does not understand anything, because there is nothing to understand.
The Awakened does not know anything, because There is nothing to know

"The Awakened does not perceive anything as good or bad, or as right or wrong, and therefore has no preference, and therefore does not try to ... change the way in which Things are "

" The Awakened One does not cancel or ignore, or justify not resist what is, internally or externally, but is just ... aware of what is "

Sri AmmaBhagavan


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