Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rabbit Water Feeder -alibaba

Matthew 3: 1-12 Sermon of John the Baptist

2nd Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2010

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 3: 1-12

1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

3 is he that was spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said:

voice of one crying in the wilderness

Prepare the way of the Lord,

his paths straight!

4 John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. 5 then flocked to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the area adjacent to the Jordan 6 and confessing their sins, were baptized by him in the Jordan River.

7 But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy conversion 9 and do not think you can say to you, We have Abraham as our father. I tell you that God can raise up children to Abraham from these stones. 10 Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 I baptize you with water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 He has a winnowing fan, will clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "

John the Baptist prepares the coming of the Lord, preparing the visit of the Lord. A visit is something to which we must be ready. If a visitor comes along and you're not prepared to accept not accept it well. Do not accept the good Lord is a matter a bit 'serious because we lose the graces we lose the beauty, we lose salvation. Then it is very important to greet well. And he gives to welcome a number of indications : "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." is interesting because nowadays, we have a strong perfectionism, a strong narcissism, a strong research ourselves, the issue of conversion of all finalized personal change is basically to our own well-being, to our own well feel. To our well perceived. Even a Christian. No. We are preparing for another. There is prepared car contemplating. We are preparing for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Why is the kingdom of another. The wonder and splendor of the area, place, time that is not really a time and is not a place, the dimension in which God is now our king. So get ready and it takes one crying in the wilderness. This is a quote from the prophet Isaiah proclaims that the return from exile of the people . It is to prepare the way of the Lord is there to make his paths straight. Here it is interesting. We read this term that would indicate precisely what is the conversion, what is to prepare seriously. Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Then we put our acts to be a little bit to the right place. Stop being a little 'crooked, straighten our paths. But those are our paths! Here to talk about preparing the way of the Lord and his paths straight. These are technical terms to describe the Old Testament law of God Which is an indication of John the Baptist. In fact, he speaks very specifically, in various texts which refer to him, to return to genuine obedience.

What is the tendency of man? Taming Taming the ways of God on their reading of shape convenient way to bend the paths of God's words, put God before God tamed, making it a little bit our chaplain. What comes to us and gives us the blessing of our initiatives.

here is to make his paths straight. To prepare. Stand in front. Prepare themselves. That is one thing to look front, that is, prepare it first, period. Prepare. It is to face squarely the ways of God We are lovers of our thoughts. Return to open to the thoughts of God

Why are my ways, always says the prophet Isaiah, are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. So it is here to start looking at the will of God for all of us. A question that perhaps many holy is not done for some time. What is God's will for you? What is God's plan for you? What is the indication that God is giving you? It is a way. A lot of people, many of our brethren in the Christian life, they remain so. Remain a little puzzled. "Why is there a God's will for me?" How long since you ask what is God's will for you. Stand in front of something slightly 'drier. This put John the Baptist, who wears a camel's hair, a leather belt around his waist. This archaic dress, this dress that tastes wild. This eating locusts and wild honey. This diet rather curious. What is it? It 's a man who returns to the origin. It 's a man who returns to the time when Israel was called . At the time the desert, when you walked and God spoke to the people and show him his ways. All of us have had a time when God spoke to our hearts, maybe we were a bit 'lost. We hope that this is the time when God speaks to our hearts. But there was an important moment where we were closer. Maybe we were younger. It was a time when we had the heart more open to God, that he felt that it was pointing to a road.

Then we started to knead. We have tamed it. We have learned an art which speaks of John the Baptist here. Seeing the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, says, "You brood of vipers", ie children of a snake "who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come." One thing we have learned. To not worry about the consequences of our actions. A do not think there is connected a holy wrath of God for our mistakes. Not we see this word in the negative. There is a consequence of things. When things are ill done, causing pain. In that there is a love of God to men. If you hurt someone, but God does not love that? God will not defend that? There is a mechanism in the reality that a mechanism is also a consequence of pain that used to wake up. To realize the harm done, someone tells us to flee from the wrath to come. To believe that you evil and nothing happens. Minds, and nothing happens. You are sloppy in the care of the good things in your life and this does not affect. It is not true at all. This is a time for straighten the ways of God realization that God's ways are straight. They are simple and clear. Not something where we can handle. No. No. The disease causes pain. Continue to have a bad habit in the lineage we treat ourselves and our neighbors, causes pain. This is something that prepares us to meet the Lord puts us in front of ourselves with our weakness and also with the sense of our mistakes that we need. If you are a savior, if someone is holding the shovel and clean up his yard, which will gather the wheat into his barn and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, so we are pointing to a fact. Someone will come along that will clarify. Throw away the dross, deliver us from which is not good, does not save us. There who wants to remain in the ambiguity, there are those who do not want the arrival of the Messiah. The Messiah comes. Comes. Is many times. We visited many times through the events of our lives. The holy providence of God calls us to free ourselves from the chaff, to free ourselves from the straw useless, nothing that we carry from this him and we do not need. Prepare the way of the Lord means, drying, simplified. This is a time. The time of Advent is a wonderful time to return to themselves. To wake up to remember the good received and off evil.


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