Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Matthew 5, 18-24 - Do not fear, hear the angel!

4th Sunday of Advent December 19, 2010-C

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 5, 18-24

18 Here's how it was the birth of Jesus Christ: His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph her husband, who was right and did not want divorce, decided in secret. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel appeared in his dream the Lord and said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, because what is conceived in her by the Holy Spirit. 21 she will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. "

22 All this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:

23 Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son

shall be called Emmanuel,

which means God with us . 24 woke from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his bride,

The prospect of Matthew's Gospel is different from the perspective of the Gospel of Luke. In the Gospel of Luke, Gospel of the classic stories of childhood, we have the perspective from the angle of Mary. But here, in the Gospel of Matthew, the second tells you everything Joseph, because Joseph is in fact what he must do something. This thing here is that in today's text.

We are a short walk from Christmas. Let's see how to accept Christmas, Nativity. As we welcome the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ, his raid. His breaking works by these parameters. So Jesus Christ was begotten. This form here, as was the birth of Jesus Christ, as was the birth of Jesus Christ, said the old translation "This is how it happened ..", so it happens. He has this form here, has this style here. Joseph is a pregnant girlfriend. I mean is that God has taken an initiative that he did not expect and have tried to reject this initiative. In fact, he is in doubt. In a diatribe. What is the problem. If a woman is pregnant, there are a few possible explanations. There is only one. Knowing well not be the father of this child, this woman can not refuse. But it puzzled. In fact, the term here is a bit 'misunderstood' Because he was a righteous man and did not want to accuse her publicly, I think I put her away secretly. " That "and" as it is in greek and as is very often used by the Semites, that greek KAI has indeed a meaning opposed. Joseph was a righteous man, but did not want to accuse her publicly. What is the contradiction. Being a righteous man indicates that Joseph obeyed the law. According to the law was denounced Mary, but he does not feel he wants to acknowledge publicly. That is, is perplexed. In this case, he prefers not to follow the protocol is not convinced this reading. Do you know this woman and is faced with this question. But how can that be? Does not belong to an act of adultery. She knows not to be in front of a adulterous and thus not clear where the ports this card here. And look for a mezzuccio, look for a escamotege, a form not to be compelled to obey the law flatly. He is right, should do things like say the Pentateuch, but does not want to publicly repudiate her. So, while you are considering these things, appears in a dream an angel of the Lord. So is the birth of Christ. So Jesus is generated. In this form. In this surprising way. Where there is a man who must accept a work God

Joseph son of David. This is a technical term. It means a descendant of King in whose lineage is annovererà the Messiah. This is a loaded term. Son of David, will be the term by which Christ is recognized as the Messiah. Then " Joseph son of David, fear not take Mary your wife, because what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit . E 'to conceive the work of God that is bigger than what we think. E 'to accept that God may work in things. What is she, and the Spirit Santo. Accept a move of God In fact, Joseph will have to give him the name Jesus to the Davidic dynasty, the title that is also the subject of Messiah Jesus will receive, will receive the generosity of Joseph, who will host the work of God

Our life in a way we can deal with the superficial, trivial, or we can begin to open ourselves to God's presence in the things that happen to us. Discover that things are heavy with Jesus Christ. Discovering that we can marry our lives. Walk in our streets, those that God gives us to walk, thinking that God has a work in progress with each of us. Many times we are faced with things that we are tempted to refuse.

But to think that God can work in those things and not reject them, not avoid them, do not throw them away. It is clear that we must clearly reject evil, but when the story objectively leads us to a road, rather than run away, it might be worth listening to the angel. Do not be afraid to take what God gives you. Do not be afraid to take what you have because there are things in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is always the case. Breaking the mold and impregnating the story of his work. Making it full of his salvation. How often we are tempted to leave, to quit, to stop, not to go forward, leaving our mission, marriage, fatherhood of our mission, our relationships. No. We should not obey the fears and believe in God's work

To listen to the MP3 recording on the archive of Vatican Radio


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