Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Much Paracetamol Can I Take At 38 Weeks

Matthew 11, 2-11 - 3 Sunday of Advent - "Are you propio?"

3rd Sunday of Advent December 12, 2010

Gaudete Sunday

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matteo11, 2-11

2 Meanwhile John, who was in prison, having heard of the works of Christ, sent to tell him by his disciples 3 "Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?". 4 Jesus answered, "Go and tell John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached , 6 and blessed is he who takes no offense at me. " 7 As they departed, Jesus began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 What did you go see? A man clothed in soft garments? Those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses 9 So, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, more than a prophet. 10 is he of whom it is written

Behold, I send my messenger ahead of you
that will prepare your way before you.

11 Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

In this passage Jesus declare, will remind us all, through the proclamation of the text, his work, to be able to give sight to the blind, the lame to be able to walk, you can cleanse the lepers, to hear the deaf, to raise the dead because of the poor is good news preached. We need to understand how this situation has obtained. This proclamation of Christ. John is in prison and sends ask: "But you're the one is to come? " On the one hand there is expressed a concern that we see, but a concern, but also the other side is a man who is suffering and the end is suffering because he has prepared the ' arrival of this Messiah. What's happening? He says the bottom: " But, I am suffering, and you wonder I am suffering a good end? Give me confirmation " course we must ask these questions to the Lord. " Lord tell me, because when I am doing your will, and maybe I'm a bit 'suffering, I'm a bit' fighting, but it's worth? But worth it because you're there! Give me confirmation! I need it " All we need to confirm not to idle for a road that leads nowhere, so we must justify. We need to find a good answer. To understand whether it is worth to live our Christian life, whether it is worth to do the will of God and be a little 'prisoners for this world to be a little foreign to some things in this world for us, do not concern us, are far apart. I'm shallow that we are not interested. And be a little more respect in this world. But is it worth?

doubt of John's over this question, but also about his concerns over the fact that Jesus is not exactly what he expected. That is, he waited a cleanups of situations. We heard last Sunday that fire coming, had to burn the straw. He was waiting for this kind of reality and instead get someone else. Another type. Amazing. Why do we always think that God should act according to our roads. The way of John the Baptist, one of which will be said at the end of the text that is greatest among those born of women, but the smallest among the inhabitants of the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. At the end there is a limit. John the Baptist is still a man of the Old Testament. Here comes the second category that is to what that God could make people understand the man. But when it embodies the holy Word of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, God comes among us, is by far the most sublime of our categories. It is his punishment is mercy. It and its correction is the cure. It and its punishment, his speech is hard to change our lives. Give us the opportunity to buy the view. And how many times the only mercy of God makes us finally look in the right key our lives. Only understand forgiveness and love of God makes us see clearly what is happening to us. And here we are talking about someone who not only recovered his sight, but someone who walks, a cripple. How many of us are ambiguous, limp. They do a step, then stop. Resume to walk quickly when you believe that God loves you. When you regain confidence to have in abundance in his care, his salvation. It says here that the lepers are cleansed. Leprosy in the Old Testament is a bit 'image of solitude, this disease that takes away from the village. This disease that isolates us from the next! There. Be cleansed. Finding the next stop because of fear. Maybe even stop him because they fear something will soften.

So understanding what we go here, through these reopen the deaf ear, through this resurrect a dead part of us where not find something that we said: "This is lost! " How many times for a mistake made, or mistakes made by others, gives a lost for so many things and one says:" This is not more you save! " but no! There's Good News! The love of God, us walk again. Jesus is with gentleness, Jesus comes to salvation.

This Sunday is the Sunday Gaudete , the Sunday of joy, this text is telling us that we all can be greater than John the Baptist, because John the Baptist, he knew the law, we know mercy. The law is important, that what we need, that there is a parameter that we suggests many things, but in reality is always just a point of reference, not something that saves us. Salvation comes! And salvation is forgiveness! Forgiveness opens our eyes. God's forgiveness makes us take courage in walking. The forgiveness of God takes away from our lonely leprosy. It makes us listen, makes us live again. "Blessed is he . ., "The text says here," .. that is cause for scandal in me. " Sure. There's a surprise. This motto of John the Baptist. These disciples should go and tell John the Baptist: "Do not scandal that has not reached the ax and the scythe that cuts and kills. E 'come what saves " They have very different attitudes from the face of life. You can have a fight with someone and ask that it be put in place the accounts and that justice is done. Or ask that we be saved. You save the report. Working for salvation. Do not be scandalized by this. Jesus Christ is on the side of reconciliation. Is on the side of what unites us, not on the side of what fragments, separates them. This Sunday we seek reconciliation. This Sunday we seek what is scandalous for the our self righteousness, but that is saving for our poverty. Let's mercy, let what leads to the novelty and little more of the kingdom of heaven, that one who believes in God's mercy is greater than the prophets. Let the side of this little one that opens to the good.


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