Sunday, December 12, 2010

Can You Can A Std From Sharing Pants

Merry Christmas

This crib is hand made. And 'one of the cribs from all over the world exhibited in the cloister of the convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi.

Every nation has helped to build the crib with the characteristic elements of their culture. For example, some Africans are made from the leaves of banana plants.
photographed That seems to me the gift of Liguria.

Meanwhile, in case you consume the daily particolararmente beautiful. I refer to those afternoons when the women came together in a ritual never forgotten afternoons in memory of adults that reproduce the grandchildren of the family and so revive him and make known to the younger generations so that they can in their time to teach those to come.
are magic moments when you lose the dimension of time to get in this eternal time in a generation from one hand to the one that preceded it.

Christmas found
We genuinely need to re-become children, "children in the heart, "to be able to" see what it really is great, beautiful, joyful ": children as were the shepherds, Unexpectedly, in the night, they saw the heavens open on poverty, and populated by angels singing "Gloria," proclaiming that a few steps and there was a cave in the manger was a baby and that baby was the Savior of the world, was God. "
Those who manage to break free from the bonds of advertising that invades every space and time before Christmas, painfully unable to recall the taste of childhood religious Christmas traditions, including the establishment of the crib home with moss and pebbles gravel, and aluminum foil to limit drinking from the pond in which the white sheep of chalk. An old
clock spring, placed on his desk, moves, with its trill, a pastor of plaster that last year, to forget, had not been made between the characters of the crib.
The movement is interpreted as the beginning of the journey to Bethlehem and gives rise to a desire to depart, with the pastor, to the cave where the Virgin Mary was holding in her arms the "Light of the world."
(Luigi Ferraresso)

Let's go to Bethlehem. The journey is hard, I know. Much harder than it was for the shepherds. Who, after all, did not have to leave nothing but ashes of the camp and the sheep among the crags of the mountains ruminants. We, however, we must abandon the security of a hundred yards, the calculations of our savvy enough, the lure of refined cultural heritage, the pride of our achievements ... to go see that? "A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger ...
Let us set without fear. Christmas this year we do find Jesus and with it, the thread of our existence redeemed, the feast of life, the essential taste, the taste of the simple things, the fountain of peace, the joy of the Dialogue, pleasure collaboration, the desire of the commitment center.
(Don Tonino Bello)


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