Thursday, July 30, 2009

Amatuer Surgeon Christmas Bug Hole

"Papi. A political scandal" by Gomez, Lilly and Labor

"It is strange that many media do not mention the scandal in Italy's Berlusconi and the whole world speaks. People should know what happens. And I do not think this is gossip, but of information. "
David Grossman, an Israeli writer, July 1, 2009

" Urge the appointment of a minister with responsibility for the gossip of censorship. "
Altan, 'L 'expressed', July 25, 2009

"That evening in Sardinia Tony said to me, whatever happens, you avoid I make photos near the Silvio bandana. You're in the middle, otherwise the British press is killing me. "
Cherie Blair, wife of Tony Blair, weather, RAI-3, 23 May 2009

So you choose the new Italian political class. Before the residences of the Knight, to the Parliament or in local government. Among escort, dancers, models and music. Live. A show like on TV, like what the prime minister. With the addition of characters to Gianpi Tarantini, a great navigator in the sea of \u200b\u200bpolitical trick shots bribes and party jet set, including cocaine and frequenting dangerous. Call up phone calls and direct testimonies. Since then Patrick D'Addario, the ring at the last moment excluded from the European elections. This book reconstructs the facts become public and expose individuals who Papi-Silvio to all sorts of blackmail, dragging Italy to the lowest point of his international disrepute.

Peter Gomez is sent L'espresso. He is the author, with Marco Travaglio, the regime, mess, THE BLUE THOUSAND BALES, published by Bur. By Lirio Abbate has published ACCOMPLICES (Fazio 2007).

Lillo Marco is a journalist of L'Express. By Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio wrote GAG \u200b\u200b(Chiarelettere 2008).

Marco Travaglio has written, among other things, DIRTY HANDS (With Peter and John Gomez Barbacetto) If you know avoid them (with Peter Gomez) and ANNOZERO ITALY (with Vauro and Beatrice Borromeo) published by Chiarelettere. Its highly successful theatrical REMINDER (book and dvd, Promomusic).

Travaglio and Gomez, along with Pino Corrias, they are networked with the blog

"Papi. A political scandal."
Gomez, Lilly and Labor
Active Ingredient
€ 15 334 pages

In Library

Friday, July 10, 2009

Salton Waffle Iron Manual

"Another World" by Carlo Evangelist

"'I do not see anything, Mumbua. There is nothing that can change things,' said Andrea. Mumbua the smiled. 'Things never change. We change. '"A novel that tells with greatness and generosity of scenarios, themes, memorable characters of the distance that separates us from the simple and obvious substance of love.

Andrea lives with a life Livia forgetful, soft, submissive In the midst of friends who, like him, over him, embroider fictions around the heart of darkness, the abyss of unexpressed feelings. Many years before Andrea's father abandoned the family and moved to Kenya, leaving behind itself is only silence. And now comes a letter from him: he would see her son before surrendering to death.

Andrea is curious that most rancorous motivated by compassion branch, but there it goes. He goes to Africa. And there she discovered she had a brother, his most orphaned. The father has left them both a difficult legacy. Begins at that point that a trip is a real adventure in the immensity and majesty of a derelict continent, and into the devastated inner life of a young man who with his brother-son, the little Charlie must open a space or leave it out of him forever, and black bastard. After all, a ten-hour flight is his world that awaits him and where everything can start again - as before, as always. And what if it is another world possible? If on the chessboard of life we \u200b\u200bcould move without the hassle of ghosts, finally full of wind and memory?

For more details, Evangelist Carla's blog and more go to , the official website of Carla Evangelist.

Another World Evangelist Carla becomes a movie will

Silvio Muccino, at his second trial as a director after Parlami d'amore, bring to the screen in the new novel by Carlo Feltrinelli Evangelist released by the spring of 2009.

Filming should start in September between Nairobi and Rome.

"It 'a film about fatherhood - the director says -. I play a bit of a modern guy' debauched, Andrea, who has a mate anorexic-bulimic named Livia. At one point I received a letter from my father in Kenya and when I reached him I find I have a black brother. "

On 22 July at 21:30 Evangelist Carla will present a different world. To speak of the book with her Barbara Palombelli while Muccino - accompanied on piano by Stefano Arnaldi - read passages from the book. The evening will be held in Rome at the Teatro Vittorio Gassman Lungotevere of India.

Evangelist Carla was born and lives in Rome. Writer - Too many misunderstandings ( 2006), Signorinaeffe (2007), Parlami d'amore (2008) - in 2006 he wrote with Silvio Muccino Parlami d'amore (Rizzoli).

"Another world "
Carla Evangelist
Collection: The Kangaroos
Pages: 264
Price: Euro 16
In Library from March 26, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Images Of Pattycake Online

Memories. From Budapest to Paris "by François Fejtö

A historical reflection, and with the telling of the story of a man the service of freedom. The autobiographical memory is mixed with a passion for civil merciless analysis, the constant question about good and evil in our society. Born in Budapest in Franz Josef and became a French citizen in the late thirties, Fejtö, has witnessed all the events that shook Europe during the twentieth century. the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the rise of Nazism and anti-Semitic persecutions, the tragic hours of Stalin's purges and the Hungarian Revolution.

Translation Aridea Fezzi Price
Introduction by Maurizio Serra

"For some time it seemed to live in a world that was about to close 'in reality there are many worlds that the historian and writer has seen close Fejtö in his life a century of 'passenger of the twentieth century. " It starts "with a twilight world," the golden sunset of the Austro-Hungarian Empire which there are these memories in the catchment area of \u200b\u200bmulticulturalism and ethnic diversity, between Galicia and Trieste, the author child crossed without a passport, talking about various different languages \u200b\u200bas if each were his own. It ends with the Paris intellectual capital, from where we discuss all the upheavals of Europe from Nazism to the fall of the last empire, the Soviet Union, as an exile, a witness passionate journalist, activist and historian analyzes prescient. A life divided in two by 'French of Hungary. " But perhaps that world Fejtö Central Europe has never really left, although the ultimate cosmopolitan, called "mixed-race culture," the past without losing critical detachment and freedom from all cultural undertakings of his time, and despite having lived in every capital city and attended each group up and down Europe, where worthwhile conversation. So its pages contain all the power of evocative memories of those born in eastern Europe, and has seen the story normally break into his daily existence and exile as a concrete possibility for every tomorrow. They can represent a life that seems to best sum up the people of Europe, all the drama and poetry, nostalgia and rage, terror and sense of freedom. And the century runs in his memory like a star from the word vivacious and human judgments, always busy but never partisan, with the reader comment on the pages of the newspaper the next day's events.

Fejtö François was born in 1909 in Hungary, Nagykanizsa, Jewish Family. From 1955 he was naturalized French. It is internationally known for his Histoire des populaires Democracies (1969) and also considered a leading expert in the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on which he has written books of great success. Among the titles published in Italy Requiem for a defunct empire (1990), End of the people's democracies. Eastern Europe after the revolution of 1989 (1990) and God and his jew (2000). With this publishing house has published the interview the passenger of the century (with Maurizio Serra, 2001), Sentimental Journey (2003) and God, man and the devil. Meditations on the evil in history (2007).

Memories. From Budapest to Paris "
Original title: Mémoires: de Paris à Budapest
Francois Fejto
Translator: Aridea Fezzi Price
Original language: French
Series: The new series of diagonal
Capacity: 79
Year: 2009
ISBN: 88-389-2392-2
Pages: 440
Price: 20.00 Euro

In bookstores July 9

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cheap Straighteners At Jcpenney

" The Bilderberg Club "by Daniel Estulin

since 1954 and only once a year, a small group of people gathered in secret to decide the future political and economic ' humanity. No reporter has ever had access to the meetings that until recently were held at the Hotel Bilderberg in a small Dutch town. No news is never filtered through those rooms, though - as reflected in the pages of this book - it is during these meetings that decisions are made more relevant to the future of us all.

finally arrives today in Italy the book that tells the true story of one of the most powerful and secret decision-making bodies of the world, the Bilderberg Club.

result of an investigation lasting more than 15 years tight, strict and well-documented investigation of Daniel Estulin, history and current events, reveals for the first time what had never been told before, making public the power play taking place without our knowledge and to the detriment of self-determination and self-determination of peoples. From

army that protects the privacy, the ruling class that the address on global politics, economics and military implications.

The investigation shows that the Estulin Bilderberg Club has been involved in international decision more important in recent history, the Marshall Plan to the Watergate scandal, until the recent conflicts in the Middle East. And 'from this emerging elite of the key figures in the international arena - U.S. presidents, heads of agencies like the CIA or the FBI, the heads of the leading financial, economic and information - as well as these meetings are born by the guidelines of globalization.

Published in Spain in 2005, updated to 2009 in the first Italian publication, "The Bilderberg Club" has already been translated into 48 languages, spreading 70Paesi.

Daniel Estulin lives in Spain and is a prestigious investigative journalist. Since he achieved what no other before him had ever been driven to do, revealing the secrets of the Bilderberg Club has become one of the most representative information independent and unconventional.

"Club Bilderberg
The Secret History of the masters of the world
Daniel Estulin

Pages 384 Price € 18.50

What Is The Difference Between Breast Pumping

" Multitude unstoppable "by Paul Hawken

How did the largest movement in the world and why nobody noticed it.

Every day, in every country, created organizations engaged in defense of social justice and promotion of ecological sustainability. They are small, very small, are not detected by traditional media, political power often ignores or attempts to obstruct and undermine their business.

These associations do not recognize themselves in the traditional ideologies and do not refer to leaders or central institutions. Have objectives that depend on the context in which they operate and their history. They use technology to communicate and create networks increasingly widespread, and constitute the most important movement in history of mankind.

Just as the immune system, antibodies which are activated every time that our health is endangered, unstoppable Crowd gives an account of the response of millions of people who are brought to the threats to the integrity of our home, Earth, and that of its inhabitants, all of us.

From Australia to Italy, from Brazil to China, the United States to Russia in the world, millions of men and women act in the belief that the wounds are wounds to Nature in all of us. Water management, biodiversity protection, children's rights and workers' efforts to develop more sustainable and to combat global warming, protection of cultural and linguistic heritage that shape the places where we live thousands of organizations linked together in networks, fluid, dynamic and capable of rapid adjustments to operate in these and many other areas. Paul Hawken

rebuilds the roots of these movements and, for the first time, it provides the coordinates and the metaphors with which to describe them, leaving the conviction that their results will be one of the greatest legacy that our time may offer to future generations come.

Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur and journalist. From the age of twenty years has devoted his life to sustainability and change the relationship between business and the environment. He has written six books, all classics of ecological thinking, and currently works in a nonprofit organization. He lives in Cascade Creek, California. Published by Edizioni Ambiente Natural Capitalism (new edition 2007), a classic of sustainability now in its fourth reprint, written with Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins. For info:

Multitude unstoppable
How the largest movement in the world and why no one realized Paul Hawken


2009 pages: 368

€ 18.00 ISBN 978-88-96238-08-0

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Current Cattle Prices

" L'affaire Moro "by Leonardo Sciascia

Published in the fall of 1978, while the bubbling controversy about the Moro case, and other stimulating, this book could also be read as a 'literary work'.

But the author - as a member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the "affair" - has continued to live as "the work of truth" and therefore re-publish it (no longer at the risk of controversy, but the silence) with ' addition of the minority report (in absolute minority) presented the Commission and Parliament.

A report that the author wanted to shake the can in the hope that it has the chance to be widely read: what usually do not have the mammoth reports that are out of parliamentary inquiries.

Leonardo Sciascia (1983)

"L'affaire Moro
Leonardo Sciascia
Series: The compass rose necklace
No.: 2
Year: 2009
ISBN: 88-389-2400 - 7
Pages: 216
Price: 8.00 Euro