Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cheap Straighteners At Jcpenney

" The Bilderberg Club "by Daniel Estulin

since 1954 and only once a year, a small group of people gathered in secret to decide the future political and economic ' humanity. No reporter has ever had access to the meetings that until recently were held at the Hotel Bilderberg in a small Dutch town. No news is never filtered through those rooms, though - as reflected in the pages of this book - it is during these meetings that decisions are made more relevant to the future of us all.

finally arrives today in Italy the book that tells the true story of one of the most powerful and secret decision-making bodies of the world, the Bilderberg Club.

result of an investigation lasting more than 15 years tight, strict and well-documented investigation of Daniel Estulin, history and current events, reveals for the first time what had never been told before, making public the power play taking place without our knowledge and to the detriment of self-determination and self-determination of peoples. From

army that protects the privacy, the ruling class that the address on global politics, economics and military implications.

The investigation shows that the Estulin Bilderberg Club has been involved in international decision more important in recent history, the Marshall Plan to the Watergate scandal, until the recent conflicts in the Middle East. And 'from this emerging elite of the key figures in the international arena - U.S. presidents, heads of agencies like the CIA or the FBI, the heads of the leading financial, economic and information - as well as these meetings are born by the guidelines of globalization.

Published in Spain in 2005, updated to 2009 in the first Italian publication, "The Bilderberg Club" has already been translated into 48 languages, spreading 70Paesi.

Daniel Estulin lives in Spain and is a prestigious investigative journalist. Since he achieved what no other before him had ever been driven to do, revealing the secrets of the Bilderberg Club has become one of the most representative information independent and unconventional.

"Club Bilderberg
The Secret History of the masters of the world
Daniel Estulin

Pages 384 Price € 18.50


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