Thursday, July 9, 2009

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Memories. From Budapest to Paris "by François Fejtö

A historical reflection, and with the telling of the story of a man the service of freedom. The autobiographical memory is mixed with a passion for civil merciless analysis, the constant question about good and evil in our society. Born in Budapest in Franz Josef and became a French citizen in the late thirties, Fejtö, has witnessed all the events that shook Europe during the twentieth century. the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the rise of Nazism and anti-Semitic persecutions, the tragic hours of Stalin's purges and the Hungarian Revolution.

Translation Aridea Fezzi Price
Introduction by Maurizio Serra

"For some time it seemed to live in a world that was about to close 'in reality there are many worlds that the historian and writer has seen close Fejtö in his life a century of 'passenger of the twentieth century. " It starts "with a twilight world," the golden sunset of the Austro-Hungarian Empire which there are these memories in the catchment area of \u200b\u200bmulticulturalism and ethnic diversity, between Galicia and Trieste, the author child crossed without a passport, talking about various different languages \u200b\u200bas if each were his own. It ends with the Paris intellectual capital, from where we discuss all the upheavals of Europe from Nazism to the fall of the last empire, the Soviet Union, as an exile, a witness passionate journalist, activist and historian analyzes prescient. A life divided in two by 'French of Hungary. " But perhaps that world Fejtö Central Europe has never really left, although the ultimate cosmopolitan, called "mixed-race culture," the past without losing critical detachment and freedom from all cultural undertakings of his time, and despite having lived in every capital city and attended each group up and down Europe, where worthwhile conversation. So its pages contain all the power of evocative memories of those born in eastern Europe, and has seen the story normally break into his daily existence and exile as a concrete possibility for every tomorrow. They can represent a life that seems to best sum up the people of Europe, all the drama and poetry, nostalgia and rage, terror and sense of freedom. And the century runs in his memory like a star from the word vivacious and human judgments, always busy but never partisan, with the reader comment on the pages of the newspaper the next day's events.

Fejtö François was born in 1909 in Hungary, Nagykanizsa, Jewish Family. From 1955 he was naturalized French. It is internationally known for his Histoire des populaires Democracies (1969) and also considered a leading expert in the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on which he has written books of great success. Among the titles published in Italy Requiem for a defunct empire (1990), End of the people's democracies. Eastern Europe after the revolution of 1989 (1990) and God and his jew (2000). With this publishing house has published the interview the passenger of the century (with Maurizio Serra, 2001), Sentimental Journey (2003) and God, man and the devil. Meditations on the evil in history (2007).

Memories. From Budapest to Paris "
Original title: Mémoires: de Paris à Budapest
Francois Fejto
Translator: Aridea Fezzi Price
Original language: French
Series: The new series of diagonal
Capacity: 79
Year: 2009
ISBN: 88-389-2392-2
Pages: 440
Price: 20.00 Euro

In bookstores July 9


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