Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Is The Difference Between Breast Pumping

" Multitude unstoppable "by Paul Hawken

How did the largest movement in the world and why nobody noticed it.

Every day, in every country, created organizations engaged in defense of social justice and promotion of ecological sustainability. They are small, very small, are not detected by traditional media, political power often ignores or attempts to obstruct and undermine their business.

These associations do not recognize themselves in the traditional ideologies and do not refer to leaders or central institutions. Have objectives that depend on the context in which they operate and their history. They use technology to communicate and create networks increasingly widespread, and constitute the most important movement in history of mankind.

Just as the immune system, antibodies which are activated every time that our health is endangered, unstoppable Crowd gives an account of the response of millions of people who are brought to the threats to the integrity of our home, Earth, and that of its inhabitants, all of us.

From Australia to Italy, from Brazil to China, the United States to Russia in the world, millions of men and women act in the belief that the wounds are wounds to Nature in all of us. Water management, biodiversity protection, children's rights and workers' efforts to develop more sustainable and to combat global warming, protection of cultural and linguistic heritage that shape the places where we live thousands of organizations linked together in networks, fluid, dynamic and capable of rapid adjustments to operate in these and many other areas. Paul Hawken

rebuilds the roots of these movements and, for the first time, it provides the coordinates and the metaphors with which to describe them, leaving the conviction that their results will be one of the greatest legacy that our time may offer to future generations come.

Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur and journalist. From the age of twenty years has devoted his life to sustainability and change the relationship between business and the environment. He has written six books, all classics of ecological thinking, and currently works in a nonprofit organization. He lives in Cascade Creek, California. Published by Edizioni Ambiente Natural Capitalism (new edition 2007), a classic of sustainability now in its fourth reprint, written with Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins. For info: www.wiserearth.org

Multitude unstoppable
How the largest movement in the world and why no one realized Paul Hawken


2009 pages: 368

€ 18.00 ISBN 978-88-96238-08-0


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