Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Make Pudding Thicker

Mark 9, 30-37 There is a mission that God gives me

The biblical scholar Don Fabio Rosini, Fabio for all of us, at Vatican Radio on Tuesday to the 13 within the space radio Horizons Christian, speaks of the gospel on the following Sunday.

Transmission of September 15, 2009

Gospel of Mark 9, 30-37

I n those days, Jesus and his disciples through Galilee, but he did not want anyone to know. He taught it to his disciples and said to them: The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of men, and kill him, but, once killed, after three days rise again. " But they did not understand these words and they were afraid to question him. They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house he asked them, "What were you discussing on the street?". And they were silent. On the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. Sat down and called the Twelve and said, "If one wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." And he took a child and had him stand among them and, embracing him, said, "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me" .

Monica Parente

O ra the word to the biblical scholar Fabio Rosini. Next Sunday, Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we will hear a passage from the Gospel according to Mark. Jesus speaks to his disciples about his death and resurrection, but they do not understand. Don Fabio .

Don Fabio Rosini.

In this text we face the problem of misunderstanding. Jesus says something, the disciples did not understand it. There are readings of things, the importance to be given to the various things in life and there are prostettive different. After all, a little bit throughout the Liturgy of the Word this Sunday will put in front of the clash of wisdom.

d will pound your explicit: there is a wisdom that comes from wisdom and earthly. In fact, this problem is a huge problem: the problem of having to figure out something, but even more so, the problem of having to remove their conviction.

We believe very often have to travel by the urgency of having to figure out something new, the biggest problem is to question what we already know.

The Lord Jesus in this text begins with making this the announcement of his mission. And this is a key word to understand a bit 'all my life. To grasp what the Lord Jesus Christ says about himself. He has a mission, which is a direction. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of men, and men will kill him, but once killed after three days rise again. In a nutshell, the whole drama of Easter.

have come to this. The Son of Man has come to this. The service has to be done and this is the second word. Mission. Service. There are different ways of understanding life. I do not understand fully my life until it I understand that it has received a mission.

In light of this understanding of suffering, the end of the problem, the purpose of the enigmas of things unresolved, stuck, difficult to digest in my life, my adventure.

There is a mission that God gives me. I have to perform a service. Not understanding this is to understand what? If my life is not service, if I am not, as says the blessed virgin Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, if I am not the servant of the Lord, what are they?

If you are not the servant is a master. Deep down, even if it seems too cut with an ax this opposition.

A llora here the other hand, there is another wisdom. How to understand everything? Understand how to stay below the Lord Jesus, to do things he does, as this becomes the end all be first. The disciples argue among themselves. They have a problem. If you are not a servant, is master. If you are not a slave, do not accept my life as a mission, I accept my life as self-affirmation, such as searching for my ego, my research as important place. That's how you ruin everything in existence. That's how you ruin a marriage. If the marriage is not a call to transcend itself to serve the wonderful adventure to make happy the person that God has entrusted to the person who has been surrendered as the groom, the bride, what becomes of the other? The other becomes my servant, the other becomes in my function. I am master. Then the children are depending on who creates them, are not a mission, a service, a service of life. So friendship is so, the work is. Then ome means your body? So how will all the existential reality of practice, the goods of this world? Everything is in my function.

I have a mission, I have a service to perform. " Only when I understand that life, finally I take the right side, the slip on the side that works. Finally, plug it to my life. Otherwise my life will be a tug of war against reality, I do not need because the reality gives glory to God, the reality gives glory to the truth and not the larvae, lie hidden in the heart of man: that he is the master of his life or that life has to say. Because many times you do not understand what Jesus says and talk about other things? Why is this thing to unlearn: This centrality of one's existence is to remove, to throw off the pedestal. It is a child the Kingdom of Heaven. We accept it as a child, like a small thing. The love for the little thing, the sympathy that normally God has placed in our hearts for the little ones, for children, is the sympathy for last place. It is the sympathy for that wonderful thing that we want to always find the next which is the spirit of service. What we like! When we find in the next spirit of those who esteem, who puts us together with us without problems, even wonders what it can do for us. The spirit of the second, to satisfy what he knows. How unpleasant to find in the next, and when others find us in this spirit: the spirit of those who must still deal with everything he does. May the Lord give us the spirit of those who want the very first place, that Jesus does not deny. If one wants to be the first one last face, is made a servant, that is the very first place.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lobster & Crab Dip Recipe

"The Shadow" by Turi Vasile

Turi Vasile These stories are written in the fullness of light. The old self autobiographical L'Ombra back to being, for the mysterious metamorphosis of human destiny, of a sick child nostomanìa, dazzled in Eden of a Messina always rises like a phoenix from its ashes.

No writer in Italy just as disarmed and disarming, for the hand of Vasile, while in writing, rather than close, open, showing every line, every vein. There are no secrets in these stories, and even the fugitive life, and the mystery of death and pain, are accepted with good humor, with tears of a child with the face of old. Tales of Vasile are open like a fan.

Everything is said with modesty and sincerity, despair for his wife Silvana, locked in the tower of the disease, shortness of breath the years who have lost their youthful breathlessness caused by the "lissa", and found the other dyspnea, that of someone who has a bad heart, the many memories that are raised intact from a place that does not exist, if not the soul, the certainty for a staggering that only God as "being" unthinkable becomes possible.

With this lyrical memoir and family, Turi Vasile wrote one of his most moving. And despite the stories in a more beautiful in this collection a man loses his shadow, until the end realizes that this man, without his shadow, you die for real. The shadow is upon us, and we must take him as a double Siamese. There are few writers who can "talk with the shadows" as Vasile - and, increasingly, even the dead seem to live in his stories. Hovers on the work of this writer a new myth, that of Margie, who could do everything, but everything hurt.

is clearly a reaffirmation of the great myth of the writer as an amateur. Without crabs and without sociology - supported only by a clear and immediate language, attitude from which puts him in a dream the side of the great Greek lyric poets, and attention to the daily miraculous epiphany and minimal detail - Vasile remains one of our great writers, because they had rarely seen so much light into despair, albeit softened by distant lost gestures, and a distant God who, at times, seems to have the same face of his father. ADC

"With this new collection of short stories, Turi Vasile wrote one of his most moving. There are no secrets in this lyrical memoir. The fugitive life, and the mystery of death and pain, are accepted with good humor, with tears of children and the old face. And even if it is above all pain emerges the agony for his wife Silvana, now closed in the tower of the disease, we are faced with a love that miraculously makes and renews more than sixty years, an ancient love, total and disarming, while growing in step with the anxiety " that the death will separate us "never before had become the bearer of so much light into despair. Light that we find in the sweet image of youthful Silvana ... a mirror next to me and smile, anticipating the resurrection of the body. "
Francesca Ottaviani, editing HACC

Turi Vasile director, producer and writer, has published, among other things: Fear of wind and other stories (Sellerio, 1987), a villain to Cinecittà (Sellerio, 1993), The Last Cigarette (Sellerio, 1996), Do no evil (Sellerio, 1997), The bridge over the Strait (Sellerio, 1999) The case of fiber (Sellerio, 2002), Morgana (Avagliano, 2007) and Silvana (Avagliano, 2008).

"The Shadow"
Turi Vasile
Pages: 166
Price: 14.00
ISBN: 978-88-89920-32-9
Year: August 2009
necklace Novecento.0

Friday, September 11, 2009

Color Of Gallbladder Cancer

"The two dogmas" Roberto and Paolo Vineis Satolli

An invitation to dialogue between "people of good will" in the belief that the complexity of the problems of life ban the opposition between a secular camp, nestled in the defense of science, and religious matters of abstract principles in safeguarding closed dramatically inadequate.

Science collides increasingly with positions that are opposed to his conquests in the name of religion or ethics. Most of the time this opposition is resolved in a double-dogmatism. On one hand, the inflexibility of those, especially in the Catholic hierarchy today, believes it has access to a transcendent truth or otherwise superior to empirical knowledge. The other is opposed to the rigidity of those who, from within the scientific world, tend to present their knowledge as certainties, thereby ignoring or pretending to ignore the limits. The failure of these two weaknesses dogma disguised as seen in the debate, almost daily, on topics such as climate change, stem cells, the artificial prolongation of life and perhaps unwanted and death. Most of us have the feeling of being "acted out" in these discussions, without ever really understanding what the facts are and what would be the right decisions.

The book does not pretend to give answers, but says some simple assumptions that allow you to share a method of participatory deliberation on issues relevant to society. The first is that science is not a recipe to find the "right" answers to ethical dilemmas and political contemporary society. The second is that the knowledge produced by science are still the best we have to light (not dictate) the choices and above all to discard the options are no longer sustainable.

Satolli Roberto, a doctor, hospital left the profession to devote himself entirely to information and communication on health. In 1993 he founded the agency Zelig of information, communication and medical education. He is responsible since 2001 of the operative information and communication within the national guidelines, board member of the Group in 2003 for scientific research and the Italian Cochrane Steering Committee; President since 2005, the Independent Ethics Committee of the National Cancer Institute of Milan. Among his recent books: Historical Dictionary of health (with George Cosmacini and Giuseppe Gaudenzi, Einaudi 1997), cloning and his double (with Fabio Terragni, Garzanti 1998), Letter to a doctor about the treatment of man (Yale University Press 2003) . Published by Feltrinelli in 1992, life death miracles - medicine, genetics, law: conflicts and prospects (with Stefano Nespor and Amedeo Santosuosso).

Paolo Vineis, MD, is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology at Imperial College London and Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology at Columbia University in New York, directs the Life sciences section of the ISI Foundation in Turin. His main field of activity is research into environmental causes of cancer and the interaction of genetic susceptibility. He has published over 400 scientific articles and several books: The twilight of probability (Einaudi 1999), Misconceptions bioethics (Code 2006). He has edited, The Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases (with Chris Wild and Seymour Garte, Wiley, 2008).

"The two dogmas"
objectivity of science and ethical fundamentalism
Satolli Roberto and Paolo Vineis
Contributions: Ignazio Marino
Collection: Fields of knowledge
Pages: 192
Price: Euro 16

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To De Lime The Dishwasher

"Murad Murad" by Suad Amiry

"What we have done in the last ten fucking hours? Why fired? Because we have chased, beaten and arrested if we are still" with us "on our land, on the other side of the West Bank? If the wall separating the Palestine by Israel, because we harass our house? " The adventure of a group of Palestinians in search of illegal employment in the land of Israel.

sex change. Suad Amiry is well aware that this is the only way to tell the paradoxical situation of Palestinian workers have to cross the border with Israel to find work. And so ago. Suad disguises herself as a man and reached a village at night near Ramallah where he began his journey along roads lined with olive trees that lead to Israel, along with Mohammad trust in Murad - brash, crude, tamarro, like many a boy - and their friends. They laugh, joke, talk about the work that perhaps awaits them beyond the border, but the head is always somewhere else: the Israeli soldiers who might arrest them at any moment, the formal notice that they would receive if they were taken and attesting a "preventive detention", the bullet shot by some sniper hidden in the trees.

When, after a march over the hills and a series of misfortunes, they are able to overcome the wall and set foot in Israel, it's too late: the work is gone. Merge with Israeli civilians and board a bus to begin the journey back home. Ahead of them a landscape not seen unknown but perhaps for the first time with different eyes: all that was "Palestinian" is no more, no more memory architecture, crops, the daily life of a people who lived there for centuries.

Suad Amiry is an architect Palestinian Riwaq founder and director of the Center for Architectural Conservation in Ramallah. Raised in Amman, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo, he studied architecture at the American University Beirut and the University of Michigan, eventually specializing in Edinburgh. Since 1981 he teaches architecture at Birzeit University, and since then, living in Ramallah. He has written and edited numerous books on different aspects of Palestinian architecture.

"Murad Murad"
Suad Amiry
Translation: Maria Nadotti
Collection: Various
Pages: 176
Price: Euro 14.5
In Library from September 9, 2009

Appointments Suad Amiry:

- meeting with the author to present the new book "Murad Murad 'the 01/10/2009, at 18.30 at the Feltrinelli Books and Music, 31/35 Galleria Colonna in Rome.

- meeting with the author for the presentation of the book "Murad Murad" on 02.10.2009, at 18.30 at the Feltrinelli Books and Music, Martyrs Square in Naples.

- "Writing at the time of war." Meet the author at the International Festival, on 03/10/2009, at 11.30 am, at the Apollo Cinema in Ferrara.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcoming Of The Church Visitor Letter

"Little Dictionary of Film" by Marie-Thérèse Journot

Since "Saturation" to "Out" to "zoom" from "acousmatic" to "diegesis" to "Dogma": more than 500 film terms, accompanied by a brief explanation and accessible to the layman. This small dictionary Marie-Thérèse Journot wants to be an everyday tool, practical and essential, not only for those who want to know the meaning of technical terms but also proposes to acquire the basic knowledge of history and film criticism.

Marie-Thérèse Journot teaches at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III.

"Little Dictionary of Film" by Marie-Thérèse
Necklace "Tools"
ISBN 978-88-7180-709-6

Euro 14.50 208 Pages

Monday, September 7, 2009

Curved Lines On Sony Rear Projection Tv

"Holy Mafia" Petra Reski

thus revealed the German Gomorrah - "If we go on like this in a few years The 'Ndrangheta is eaten in Germany. " Petra Reski titles has to say: he writes articles for twenty years on the thigh. But now his latest book has become a case. Uncomfortable for her.
- Io Donna, Corriere della Sera

Petra mammasantissima describes the affairs of the 'Ndrangheta in Italy and in his country, hotels, pizzerias, luxurious facilities, but also financial, bank accounts and investments. Ago and last names of the bosses and their contacts and patrons, describes the sophisticated mechanisms of recycling by collecting survey made in Italy and the opinion of judges who are involved in the difficult years of struggle against the financial mafia.
- Unit

Duisburg, August 2007. In front of the restaurant Da Bruno are found the bodies of six men, all from Calabria, riddled with 70 bullets. It will be called the Massacre of August, the first clear sign of the penetration of the Italian mafia in the world, the slow but relentless colonization carried out by the "peasants" in France, Spain and Germany. And it is precisely here, in the productive heart of Europe, that the Mafia has long directed their trades, not only for them but also to bring in "clean" hotels, pizzerias, fine dining, but also current and financial accounts.

Petra Reski's book, corresponding to twenty years in Italy for the German press, is a long return trip from Palermo to Duisburg. The reconstruction of a mosaic of places, people and events that starts from Sicily and salt following the routes of crime: Calabria, Campania, up to the rich north-east. And then beyond the Alps, in his Germany, land of election of the Mafia, where there is the crime of mafia association and are not allowed intensive use of interception and confiscation of property.

In the original book was published by order of the court criticized Germany, intervened at the request of some personages whose names are well known because of information contained in police (Italian and German), in legal documents, in many newspaper reports. However, one can not speak of them in a book, people should continue to ignore the problem. The Italian edition could choose to simply delete those parts of the text, but instead decided to bring the same black lines on the words that cost in Petra Reski intimidation and threats. Because the reader has a clear picture of the gag with which power is constantly trying to silence the most courageous journalism.

Petra Reski was born in Germany in the Ruhr, he studied in Trier, Münster and Paris, and holds a degree in French literature, political science and sociology. He won the competition of the journalism school of Hamburg's prestigious Henri-Nannen-Schule, and began his career as a reporter for the weekly magazine Stern. Currently it is cultural correspondent for Die Zeit and other German publications, monthly and weekly, including Geo, Focus, Merian, and has published several books. Arrived in Italy in 1989 to write a story on springtime in Palermo, he decides to stay there "to understand what are the contradictions of this land through the mafia." Since then she has never stopped caring. His website is www.petrareski.com in Germany was voted the 2008 Best Journalist in the "reporter" just following the publication of this book. In Italy, for her commitment "to serve the great values \u200b\u200bof journalism," received a Nocera Inferiore Civitas Award 2009 by the Association ANDES, which honors women who have distinguished themselves for their efforts in the fight against the mafia, el 'Amalfi Coast Media Award, an international award in journalism.

The book will be presented:

in Bologna on Saturday 12 September at 21.15 at the Feltrinelli bookshop in Piazza Galvani, 1 / h. With the author, Petra Reski, intervene Roberto Morrione journalist.

Sunday, September 13, 2009, at 21:00, Debates at the Hall of the Central Party Unit of Bologna (North Park - via Stalingrad). By author Antonio Ingroia intervene Judge, prosecutor in Palermo, Roberta Bussolari Coordination Freedom Emilia Romagna, Roberto Morrione, journalist, director of Free Information, Rita Ghedini, Senator of the Democratic Party. Moderates the debate Raffaele Donini, journalist and Democratic Party Provincial Director Province of Bologna

Monday, September 14, at 21:00, at the Sala Rossa Modena deella Unity Day (Ponte Alto - Stradello Anesino). With the author, Petra Reski, intervene Maurizio Torrealta.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How To Make A Horse Sley

"The Queen of the World" by Jacques Julliard

The power of public opinion
preface by Ferruccio De Bortoli

The queen of the world is the opinion public which came to power in representative democracy through the surveys, posters, internet, rejection of caste ...

The author explores the roots and consequences of the phenomenon. In France the book has called for a debate and won the award for best political book of 2008.

The ordinary man on the breaks scene. A citizen who is no longer defined solely by their economic and material interests, ideologies or culture, "but a cocktail of all this, which have a decisive role in the passion, emotion, immediacy." A national parliaments that are no longer enough. Julliard argues that "the Net is a chance. But also a big risk: Internet abolish the inequality in the opinion. " But if we think of Obama, the importance of democracy of opinion during his election campaign, we can not but ask what is changing and what will become of democracy today.

The preface by Ferruccio de Bortoli explains how the review Public weighs in Italy.

Jacques Julliard, historian and journalist, director at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in the social sciences, is a columnist for the "Nouvel Observateur". His works concern the revolutionary syndicalism and political culture in contemporary France.

"The Queen of the World" by Jacques Julliard

pp. 112

2009 ISBN: 978-88-317-9750-4

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tesco Bread Maker Bms 1

"The Counter-school . The triumph of the market and media "by Baldacci and Frabboni

and heartfelt condemnation of radical new designs of the Counter for the school.

The "Reform Gelmini" will end up seriously affect the public schools. He has already started to demolish his two ancient lintels: the right of all the study and the quality of education.

And is depriving its two fundamental principles of reference: the people and culture. In return, the Counter of the minister - because of this it is - suggests the miraculous medicine of the combination of school-company, intended to reduce the role of the School spare tire companies.

The provisions of this Counter does not warrant or in relation to the development needs of a civil democratic state, nor with respect to the growth of socio-economic system.

present, in the strength of civil, democratic and economic viability of a country is linked to the quality of skills acquired in training. Therefore, there should be strong cultural literacy at all since the beginning of primary school.

The return to single teacher, the abolition of co-presences, the consolidation of school buildings - with the consequent impoverishment of the space-atelier-laborario will end instead of weakening the effectiveness of the School and for weakening the literacy of our students . The tenor of the insured from basic skills tend to drop, and this will make more poor socio-economic health of our country, and the more uncertain the prospects of civil and democratic development.

(from www.francoangeli.it )

Massimo Baldacci is Professor of General Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education, University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino. Adheres to the educational problem, the problem of brand and critical rationalist.

Frabboni Franco is Professor of Education at the University of Bologna. His research adheres to the theoretical and empirical reasons of critical rationalism setting problematic.

The Counter-Reformation of the school. The triumph of the market and media
Massimo Baldacci, Franco Angeli Franco Frabboni

Collection: The profession of pedagogy
pp. 128
first edition 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cube Field Cheat Engime

" Beyond the Wall "by Anna Chiarloni

What is the face of the new capital to twenty years after the reunification of Germany?

Berlin is a symbolic place, the heart of a reality in constant transformation. The city scale the wall of time proving to the search for national identity is in the signs of an ancient tradition that lost the most innovative in the languages \u200b\u200bof modern Europe.

Through the pen of one of the most authoritative scholars in various disciplines, from architecture to film and literature, the essays collected here tell of memory and demolition waste, leaves and flags of a horizon urban transit in the future.

crossroads of major Migration Berlin intends as a laboratory of ideas and cultures, composite reality of freedom and longing, seeking to heal the wounds inflicted by history.

Anna Chiarloni teaches German literature at the University of Turin. Among his publications: Christa Wolf, Printers, Torino 1990; Grenzfallgedichte, Aufbau, Berlin 1991 (with H. Pankoke) New German poets, Einaudi, Torino 1994, Germany '89. Literary Chronicles of German reunification, FrancoAngeli, Milano 1998.

"Beyond the Wall" and the language of the reunification of Berlin

Anna Chiarloni
by Eva Banchelli, Berlanda Toma, Cristina Bianchetti, Rita Calabrese, Fabrizio Cambi, Liza Candidi TC, Gerhard Friedrich, Matteo Galli, Antonella Gargano, Hannes Krauss, Domenico Mugnolo, Nelva Daniela, Manuela Poggi
Series: Institute of Historical Studies Gaetano Salvemini di Torino
Topics: Literature - Political History and diplomatic - History and Urban Planning - History of culture and lifestyle
Level: Studies, research
pp. 1st edition 2009 208

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Neosporin In Malaysia

" The screenplay by Lukas and Henry Bandirali Terrone

Write and describe the film.

the new book by Luca and Enrico Bandirali Terrone

Over the past three decades the theory of cinema has focused on the context of the film, the poetry of authors and attitudes of the spectators, leaving the analysis of narrative structures became the prerogative of screenwriting manuals.

The theoretical attempt to answer the question "What is a story for the cinema?" [...] Has found increasingly go through the answers to the practical question "How does a script?", And then through reflections of the people who wrote the script and read for a living.

So the Russian formalists (Propp, Jakobson) and French narratology (Greimas, Genette), however, all literary theorists rather than the cinema, have gradually replaced the names of story analyst and script consultant Americans, the so-called "neoaristotelici [...].

This mutation of the reference system has two main consequences, a virtuous and vicious.

virtuous appearance follows the setting of empirical and pragmatic story analyst, which are not locked in the ivory tower professors to always see the same ten movies, but professionals who work closely with the major Hollywood productions, which offer their an endless repertoire of 'case studies' and above all a substantial test for the verifiability of hypotheses and models.

But this rule of practice is also due to the appearance of the circle of narratology story analyst, or his lack of rigorous, systematic and universal, and thus its tendency to be reduced to a bag of tricks and formulas to learn how to write "a great script," where the emphasis is on how to operate require the plot to do, rather than on explaining how they work the plots of movies that already exist.

The screenplay is being proposed in order to restore the study of narrative structures in film theory, building on achievements of the manuals story analyst, however, reformulated within a discourse rigorously and systematically.

The screenplay is so animated by the desire to transform the practice of neoaristotelici in an ideal machine, perfect paradigm, able to explain "how a screenplay, what a story for the cinema" in general, in terms conceptual theory.

of this' typewriter and describe the film "parts of the book analyzes the different components.

In the opening chapters we focus on the "frame" of cinematic storytelling, which consists of the basic definitions (story and screenplay, chap. 1) in generative principles (story concept and theme, ch. 2), and the constituent elements (character and world, ch. 3). From here, you switch to 'dynamic', ie the "engine" capable of setting in motion the story: this "narrative engine" consists of a basic scheme (the plot, chap. 4) and its implementation (structure Three Acts, ch. 5), whose study provides for the possibility of variants (the alternative facilities, ch. 6) and versions (the hero's journey, ch. 7). Then it was the turn of the 'body' of the story, which involves the construction of individual segments (the scene, ch. 8) that substantiate the patterns translating narrative stages and joints in concrete actions. Finally

is to understand how is the "guide" the machinery, that is, with such operations, the narrative discourse holds the reins of the story (plot D, ch. 9), to which we can draw a map of the main 'street' that the narrative machine is used to cover (types, ch. 10).

remains to determine who will be dedicated this "typewriter and describe the film."

The answer is implicit in the wording: the system is who they want to write the film - writers and would-be - because to understand how a film is the best way to learn how to design one, but the book is about those movies even more want to learn to describe them: to recognize how they are made, to understand how they work or not work, to acquire the tools to analyze, evaluate, interpret a film on an informed basis. So The screenplay is not directed only to writers but also the script consultant, to film critics, scholars and students.

especially directed at the audience enjoy watching films - whatever the manner in which this passion is manifested, even if just watching the film - in the belief that knowledge of structures and principles provide the opportunity to transform the object of his passion a discipline that will be a source of pleasure and knowledge.

Bandirali Luca is a professor of History and Technique of Screenplay at the University of Salento, together with Sabina Guzzanti wrote the screenplay for the Lobster (2007).

Henry Terrone teaches film history and criticism at the University of Piemonte Orientale and collaborates with Labonte (Laboratory for Ontology), University of Turin.

Both are editors of 'Segnocinema. "Lindau to have written: In the eye in the sky. Theory and history of science fiction cinema (2008).

"The script"
Luca and Enrico Bandirali Terrone
Edizioni Lindau
'Wise Men'
page. € 22 326

ISBN 978-88-7180-831-4


Why a book about screenwriting?

The cinema in our society has been and is mainly used to tell stories, and then we felt that a proper discourse on the film as a starting point requires a deeper reflection on the functioning of these stories. We were interested to establish what were the essential parts and their construction processes, starting from the general, that is the question: "What must necessarily happen because there is a story?" To get down to the smallest details: "How it's made the world inhabited by the characters of a story? Paths through which the story unfolds? How do these trajectories can be broken down into scenes? How it works, taken individually, each scene? "

What categories of movies does your studio?
The answer may seem presumptuous but it is sincere: all narrative films, from the more 'commercial' to the more 'experimental', the 'classic' to 'contemporary'. Our system includes a variety of shades and facets, and is designed to give an account of any film that falls within the fold of the narrative, as evidenced by the large repertoire of examples to which we been used.

Which player you are targeting? There is no individual who does not compare with the narratives, of whatever kind. In our society, the narratives are the dominant cinema in general (movies and TV series). Our "system" is designed so that a reader-viewer, without the experience of watching the movie or television series, has a desire to grasp and understand the mechanisms, for example in order to substantiate his opinions on film with arguments based, even just during a conversation at the exit from the room. We think the fact that commonly the discourse on film focuses on the story they tell, we believe in this manner which might be very interesting to address this speech is so widespread and shared with the appropriate tools. It's like knowing the language of a country when you visit it, usually it is a more full and satisfactory.

So the book serves only to understand more deeply the film and discuss it with competence?
No, this is for, but not limited to this. There is another equally important level of interpretation: it is being accessed when you try to write its own history, and we realize that in addition to so-called inspiration, there is a great need for rules, coordinates, processes, that really serve to give narrative shape to the idea which has, in this case, the "system" to read a narrative of others becomes the system to produce its own in the best way.