Monday, September 7, 2009

Curved Lines On Sony Rear Projection Tv

"Holy Mafia" Petra Reski

thus revealed the German Gomorrah - "If we go on like this in a few years The 'Ndrangheta is eaten in Germany. " Petra Reski titles has to say: he writes articles for twenty years on the thigh. But now his latest book has become a case. Uncomfortable for her.
- Io Donna, Corriere della Sera

Petra mammasantissima describes the affairs of the 'Ndrangheta in Italy and in his country, hotels, pizzerias, luxurious facilities, but also financial, bank accounts and investments. Ago and last names of the bosses and their contacts and patrons, describes the sophisticated mechanisms of recycling by collecting survey made in Italy and the opinion of judges who are involved in the difficult years of struggle against the financial mafia.
- Unit

Duisburg, August 2007. In front of the restaurant Da Bruno are found the bodies of six men, all from Calabria, riddled with 70 bullets. It will be called the Massacre of August, the first clear sign of the penetration of the Italian mafia in the world, the slow but relentless colonization carried out by the "peasants" in France, Spain and Germany. And it is precisely here, in the productive heart of Europe, that the Mafia has long directed their trades, not only for them but also to bring in "clean" hotels, pizzerias, fine dining, but also current and financial accounts.

Petra Reski's book, corresponding to twenty years in Italy for the German press, is a long return trip from Palermo to Duisburg. The reconstruction of a mosaic of places, people and events that starts from Sicily and salt following the routes of crime: Calabria, Campania, up to the rich north-east. And then beyond the Alps, in his Germany, land of election of the Mafia, where there is the crime of mafia association and are not allowed intensive use of interception and confiscation of property.

In the original book was published by order of the court criticized Germany, intervened at the request of some personages whose names are well known because of information contained in police (Italian and German), in legal documents, in many newspaper reports. However, one can not speak of them in a book, people should continue to ignore the problem. The Italian edition could choose to simply delete those parts of the text, but instead decided to bring the same black lines on the words that cost in Petra Reski intimidation and threats. Because the reader has a clear picture of the gag with which power is constantly trying to silence the most courageous journalism.

Petra Reski was born in Germany in the Ruhr, he studied in Trier, Münster and Paris, and holds a degree in French literature, political science and sociology. He won the competition of the journalism school of Hamburg's prestigious Henri-Nannen-Schule, and began his career as a reporter for the weekly magazine Stern. Currently it is cultural correspondent for Die Zeit and other German publications, monthly and weekly, including Geo, Focus, Merian, and has published several books. Arrived in Italy in 1989 to write a story on springtime in Palermo, he decides to stay there "to understand what are the contradictions of this land through the mafia." Since then she has never stopped caring. His website is in Germany was voted the 2008 Best Journalist in the "reporter" just following the publication of this book. In Italy, for her commitment "to serve the great values \u200b\u200bof journalism," received a Nocera Inferiore Civitas Award 2009 by the Association ANDES, which honors women who have distinguished themselves for their efforts in the fight against the mafia, el 'Amalfi Coast Media Award, an international award in journalism.

The book will be presented:

in Bologna on Saturday 12 September at 21.15 at the Feltrinelli bookshop in Piazza Galvani, 1 / h. With the author, Petra Reski, intervene Roberto Morrione journalist.

Sunday, September 13, 2009, at 21:00, Debates at the Hall of the Central Party Unit of Bologna (North Park - via Stalingrad). By author Antonio Ingroia intervene Judge, prosecutor in Palermo, Roberta Bussolari Coordination Freedom Emilia Romagna, Roberto Morrione, journalist, director of Free Information, Rita Ghedini, Senator of the Democratic Party. Moderates the debate Raffaele Donini, journalist and Democratic Party Provincial Director Province of Bologna

Monday, September 14, at 21:00, at the Sala Rossa Modena deella Unity Day (Ponte Alto - Stradello Anesino). With the author, Petra Reski, intervene Maurizio Torrealta.


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