Friday, September 4, 2009

Tesco Bread Maker Bms 1

"The Counter-school . The triumph of the market and media "by Baldacci and Frabboni

and heartfelt condemnation of radical new designs of the Counter for the school.

The "Reform Gelmini" will end up seriously affect the public schools. He has already started to demolish his two ancient lintels: the right of all the study and the quality of education.

And is depriving its two fundamental principles of reference: the people and culture. In return, the Counter of the minister - because of this it is - suggests the miraculous medicine of the combination of school-company, intended to reduce the role of the School spare tire companies.

The provisions of this Counter does not warrant or in relation to the development needs of a civil democratic state, nor with respect to the growth of socio-economic system.

present, in the strength of civil, democratic and economic viability of a country is linked to the quality of skills acquired in training. Therefore, there should be strong cultural literacy at all since the beginning of primary school.

The return to single teacher, the abolition of co-presences, the consolidation of school buildings - with the consequent impoverishment of the space-atelier-laborario will end instead of weakening the effectiveness of the School and for weakening the literacy of our students . The tenor of the insured from basic skills tend to drop, and this will make more poor socio-economic health of our country, and the more uncertain the prospects of civil and democratic development.

(from )

Massimo Baldacci is Professor of General Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education, University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino. Adheres to the educational problem, the problem of brand and critical rationalist.

Frabboni Franco is Professor of Education at the University of Bologna. His research adheres to the theoretical and empirical reasons of critical rationalism setting problematic.

The Counter-Reformation of the school. The triumph of the market and media
Massimo Baldacci, Franco Angeli Franco Frabboni

Collection: The profession of pedagogy
pp. 128
first edition 2009


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