Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Make Pudding Thicker

Mark 9, 30-37 There is a mission that God gives me

The biblical scholar Don Fabio Rosini, Fabio for all of us, at Vatican Radio on Tuesday to the 13 within the space radio Horizons Christian, speaks of the gospel on the following Sunday.

Transmission of September 15, 2009

Gospel of Mark 9, 30-37

I n those days, Jesus and his disciples through Galilee, but he did not want anyone to know. He taught it to his disciples and said to them: The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of men, and kill him, but, once killed, after three days rise again. " But they did not understand these words and they were afraid to question him. They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house he asked them, "What were you discussing on the street?". And they were silent. On the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. Sat down and called the Twelve and said, "If one wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." And he took a child and had him stand among them and, embracing him, said, "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me" .

Monica Parente

O ra the word to the biblical scholar Fabio Rosini. Next Sunday, Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we will hear a passage from the Gospel according to Mark. Jesus speaks to his disciples about his death and resurrection, but they do not understand. Don Fabio .

Don Fabio Rosini.

In this text we face the problem of misunderstanding. Jesus says something, the disciples did not understand it. There are readings of things, the importance to be given to the various things in life and there are prostettive different. After all, a little bit throughout the Liturgy of the Word this Sunday will put in front of the clash of wisdom.

d will pound your explicit: there is a wisdom that comes from wisdom and earthly. In fact, this problem is a huge problem: the problem of having to figure out something, but even more so, the problem of having to remove their conviction.

We believe very often have to travel by the urgency of having to figure out something new, the biggest problem is to question what we already know.

The Lord Jesus in this text begins with making this the announcement of his mission. And this is a key word to understand a bit 'all my life. To grasp what the Lord Jesus Christ says about himself. He has a mission, which is a direction. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of men, and men will kill him, but once killed after three days rise again. In a nutshell, the whole drama of Easter.

have come to this. The Son of Man has come to this. The service has to be done and this is the second word. Mission. Service. There are different ways of understanding life. I do not understand fully my life until it I understand that it has received a mission.

In light of this understanding of suffering, the end of the problem, the purpose of the enigmas of things unresolved, stuck, difficult to digest in my life, my adventure.

There is a mission that God gives me. I have to perform a service. Not understanding this is to understand what? If my life is not service, if I am not, as says the blessed virgin Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, if I am not the servant of the Lord, what are they?

If you are not the servant is a master. Deep down, even if it seems too cut with an ax this opposition.

A llora here the other hand, there is another wisdom. How to understand everything? Understand how to stay below the Lord Jesus, to do things he does, as this becomes the end all be first. The disciples argue among themselves. They have a problem. If you are not a servant, is master. If you are not a slave, do not accept my life as a mission, I accept my life as self-affirmation, such as searching for my ego, my research as important place. That's how you ruin everything in existence. That's how you ruin a marriage. If the marriage is not a call to transcend itself to serve the wonderful adventure to make happy the person that God has entrusted to the person who has been surrendered as the groom, the bride, what becomes of the other? The other becomes my servant, the other becomes in my function. I am master. Then the children are depending on who creates them, are not a mission, a service, a service of life. So friendship is so, the work is. Then ome means your body? So how will all the existential reality of practice, the goods of this world? Everything is in my function.

I have a mission, I have a service to perform. " Only when I understand that life, finally I take the right side, the slip on the side that works. Finally, plug it to my life. Otherwise my life will be a tug of war against reality, I do not need because the reality gives glory to God, the reality gives glory to the truth and not the larvae, lie hidden in the heart of man: that he is the master of his life or that life has to say. Because many times you do not understand what Jesus says and talk about other things? Why is this thing to unlearn: This centrality of one's existence is to remove, to throw off the pedestal. It is a child the Kingdom of Heaven. We accept it as a child, like a small thing. The love for the little thing, the sympathy that normally God has placed in our hearts for the little ones, for children, is the sympathy for last place. It is the sympathy for that wonderful thing that we want to always find the next which is the spirit of service. What we like! When we find in the next spirit of those who esteem, who puts us together with us without problems, even wonders what it can do for us. The spirit of the second, to satisfy what he knows. How unpleasant to find in the next, and when others find us in this spirit: the spirit of those who must still deal with everything he does. May the Lord give us the spirit of those who want the very first place, that Jesus does not deny. If one wants to be the first one last face, is made a servant, that is the very first place.


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