Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Matthew 5, 1-12 - Christian t you? Travel through discoveries that God has prepared for us. Men of God

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) January 30, 2011

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 5, 1-12
The Beatitudes

1 saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 Taking then the word, he taught them:

3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
they will be satisfied.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
they will receive mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
they shall see God
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
they shall be called sons of God
10 Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven. Word of the Lord.

The speech of the Beatitudes - Since we are positioned in the travel of the ordinary life of the Christian faith, we arrive at this point in reading a some constant that is made of the Gospel of Matthew, and after hearing, the Sunday preceding the start of the announcement of the kingdom of heaven, behold, Jesus inaugurates his more detailed announcement. The longest speech, which is Jesus in all the gospels. Send continuously that there is more consistent in the Gospels. We have these chapters 5, 6, 7, in on Sundays to come listen extrapolations.

structure of each beatitude - This discourse begins with this proclamation. A little 'we must understand the structure of these eight beatitudes, which are, in an incessant, repetitive, consistent with themselves. We listen :

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
they shall inherit the earth. "

The fact that the word blessed is always repeated at the beginning of the text, makes captures our attention a little bit and then we end up polarizing the beatidudine the first words that come after the word blessed. That is, the poor in spirit, the afflicted, the meek. So we lose the true meaning of bliss. We think that the blessed are the poor in spirit, those who weep, the meek, the merciful, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are not blessed for that. Because the other element in a pounding back in each of the Beatitudes is the word why. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. They shall be comforted. For they shall inherit the earth, and so on. There's that because that is just as important, especially at a syntactic level is the focal point of cause and effect. Why am I blessed?

The poor in spirit - The poor in spirit are blessed because they are poor in spirit, but because this condition puts them in a position to have the kingdom of heaven. Those who weep are not blessed for this, but because this is a starting point to get to that condition shall be comforted. With a beautiful person divine. Because it means that God comforts them.

Myths - Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. The mild, that is, one who does not fight is the one who will inherit the land tenure.

who hunger and thirst for righteousness - Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed, not because in this situation of poverty in respect of a subject that we need to understand better. Justice is not our justice lawyers of our courts, no. And 'the justice of the kingdom of heaven, God's justice, the relationship with him. Is due to us being hungry and thirsty for a full relationship with God This condition of poverty, this lack is the starting point to get to satiety, to reach the fullness.

The merciful - Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. That is, seeking. It means that they were so in need of mercy. So these are blessed because they were not merciful merciful, the fact that mercy is merely a secondary data in relation to another thing more dear to his heart may be forgiven them, they find they need mercy .

The pure in heart - Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God's pure heart is someone who has a heart circumcised. He has a heart that said its not. It 's pure. It is not confused. Quality alone. This act is a painful act. An act of renunciation and self-denial. But this is not the point. The point is to see God The point is to have your eyes open concerning the invisible and to get to the contemplation of God in paradise.

The peacemakers - Blessed are the peacemakers, because this thing makes them children of God, proclaims them children of God and this is their pride. Not the fact that all say: "How have you been good at this."

But in the end you are really interested in the kingdom of heaven? - This shows the true order of things. The problem here is that these beatitudes in their paradoxical nature, we ask a question which is repeated eight times: "But you are interested in the kingdom of heaven? But you are interested in a consolation true? But you are interested in an authentic land? But you are interested in a fullness that no one can ever take away? Do you care to find mercy? Do you care to see God? You urgency to be a child of God? You have the desire of the one thing that is really full, which made the kingdom of heaven is within us?

Back to the first part of the bliss - If a man is interested in this sort of thing, if a man is interested in this fullness, he must return to the first part of the Beatitudes and find these strange eight roads. The roads to get to reach, for the wonderful things that this text proclaims.

The poverty of spirit - Poverty. Being poor in spirit is a way. Poverty is not pleasant, and unpleasant. Being poor in spirit means to have an inner begging. This beggar who hate us so much, it is actually the condition of possibility in order to have the greatest wealth.

Crying - Crying is a good starting point to get a real consolation. In tears we understand some consolation stupid, foolish, that we do not need anything, that does not lead us anywhere. Crying is a moment of wisdom about life. Crying is an important place, a gift that God makes us suffer and we at that time, but in reality we are preparing for something else.

Gentleness - Meekness , the form of deference to which the others are stronger than us and we are not opposed in rivalitaria another way, the knife is not a condition that we hate. We hate to move sheep to people malleable. We like to impose on us. Here, taxable income and losses to the ground. And you lose possession that God wants to give. Take your, what you want to take alone, with your strength and your aggression. Be gentle and the way of genuine possession.

Hunger and thirst for righteousness - have to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Does not feel right. Learn how to be questionable people. Need for greater justice. Knowing of his sin, and then they need to know that mercy is merciful. Being able to not have the right to judge. Having the vision and the sense of what we can not afford to assess because many times we have explained our own sins, but we want to explain the sins of others.

The pure - Here fifths and all these things lead us know that our heart is okay. The pure in heart are those who have not the heart block, such as those that take and if they keep it as is. No. It is not true that we have to go where your heart takes you. No. We know very well where it would bring the heart and choose, because some things are right and other things are totally unpacked

be persecuted - and then, paradoxically, all these things lead us to be happy to be persecuted. The persecution is the exception. The persecution is the one who is thrown out. Etymologically this means the word. It means cast out, put the margin. Persecuted. So what does that mean? It means you need to be excluded from this world to reach the kingdom of heaven. Eccerto. If you're in this world, in the middle, you're not in heaven! There is little to do. For someone who is approaching the threshold of the kingdom of heaven must be one that is far from the center of this world. What harm is there if people think badly of us who follow the Lord Jesus Christ. But that will never disappoint extraordinary the fact this world because we got to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Fortunately! But luckily there is opposition, fortunately that there is no applause for those who are serious about following the Lord Jesus Christ. We must beware of success. Discussed below is the text: "When everyone speaks well of you, so did the false prophets did your fathers!" To be true prophets must be marginal in this send

Christian life - Well This is an interesting life, a great life. A fabulous life, special, unique. The life of the Christian life is not a banal, predictable. New complete, is a journey in discovery that God has prepared for us.


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