Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jibjab Free Of Charge

Matthew 3, 13 -17 - Did you know? Jesus begins with us from below zero.

Feast of the Baptism of Jesus January 9, 2011

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 3: 13-17
B attesimo of Jesus
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized by him. 14 John tried to deter him, saying: "I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?". 15 But Jesus said, "Leave it for now, it is fitting to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. 16 soon baptized, Jesus left the water: and lo, the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. "

What it means to be in front of the baptism of Jesus - The celebration of this Sunday is the feast of the Baptism of Jesus Of course we can understand something of our baptism and we certainly take all the parallels are there. But we are in front of the baptism of Jesus

refuses to John the Baptist baptized Jesus - Jesus enters his mission. John the Baptist who heralded the coming stronger than him, bigger than him, and he expects a type of salvation, a type of priority, a certain kind of order in things. So when faced with the man who was waiting, Jesus appears, is the Jordan, he who comes in and says, "But am I to need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?" Here. Giovanni Battista precisely because he refuses? John the Baptist was preaching a baptism of forgiveness of sins, the baptism of repentance, a baptism where the people, and there is a lot of our baptismal process, had to acknowledge their poverty. Did you expect from a God who comes, judge, save, of course, but that basically remain the same though.

Jesus another justice be done - And then soft and then through this diatribe between John the Baptist and Jesus we discover that Jesus has another justice be done. Why is justice that a sinner is a sinner and a fair is fair. But if we want to fulfill all righteousness, to perform fully the plan of God is justice, we find that God has another way of thinking. What is justice? Justice is one that is going well and that if he misbehaves, we must punish. This is our human justice.

God's justice - The justice of God is that if one misbehaves, is shown in full, is visible in the light. That if one loses his life shall be detailed in this life. The justice of God is not punishing the guilty, but to save the guilty. Justice is not that if one hates to be embarrassed and be placed in the position of having to pay for his mistake. No! Who withdraws from his mistake. This had already been told by the prophets: "I do not want the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live." This is all righteousness.

Jesus takes to get from that partedicoloro SIDEV convert: enter our role - That the Lord Jesus did not take the side of the court assessing, but they put away. Log in Baptism. This is humiliating. That right, that the clear, the sun, the innocent, that he is going to get in line with the sinners and starts doing the same acts of sinners, is the very secret of our adventure of Christians from the fact that Christ descended. We are still celebrating the mystery of the Incarnation, the atmosphere after Christmas, just for this celebration. But what does it say that the Lord Jesus came among us? E 'come to be at our level No! E 'come to get any lower than us. It was put in place that belonged to those who were converted. Why? Because that's where we want to save. He'll come in the darkness of our moment. He will leave to take our lead role.

His mission leads him to take our waste - up to take over what belongs to us. This is justice for God We can understand some of these things that are not complete strangers. A father, a mother to feel that justice is the salvation of their child. Whatever It Takes. Here this is how God feels the shadow of justice. We believe that we are faced with an instance of emitting ethics when we stand before God; Instead we are faced with someone who is willing to be our doormat. Someone who is willing to take everything that is problematic for us, to take the difference of our being, as it does on the cross. And in doing so will go into history. Doing this will come in the proclamation of his relationship with God, his dignity as a child loved, where he lives in all the good pleasure of God

Jesus comes to take us where we are: starts with us from below zero - In fact, it is curious, who is it that you liked, desirable, pleasant? Who is it? It 'a person who is successful, a person who requires a person who enters a zone of self-affirmation. Here you will find the good pleasure of God, who has spent the last place, who has put behind him, who came back from the shop. There is a particular geographical area. The place where John the Baptist baptized is one of the most depressed of the earth. We know that the Dead Sea, Jordan where it ends, is the area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's crust, the lowest in the world. We are at the highest level below the sea. Here Jesus comes down from those parts. For the Lord Jesus begins from here? Why start from below zero. And 'from below freezing to us to take very often because we are there. Under zero. And 'from below zero that we can encounter. Christ truly became final. We in this baptism of the Lord proclaim a God, we say we follow a God, to trust a God who becomes our slave. What you put in last place. How can we be afraid of a Diocosì.


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