Monday, January 17, 2011

Killing Me Softly Free Online Movie

Men God ( Des Hommes et des Dieux .) Directed by Xavier Beauvois .
Lambert Wilson, Michael Lonsdale, Olivier Rabourdin, Sacrina Ouazani, Philippa Laudenbach, Jacques Herlim Xavier Maly, Jean-Marie Frino. France, 2010

the night between 26 and 27 December seven Trappist monks of the monastery of Tibéherine, in Algeria, are kidnapped. On May 21, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) claimed their execution. On May 30 their heads, no bodies, which will no longer be traced, are done to find near the convent. This is the chronicle of this story now translated in film.

The film is wonderful. Slow and beautiful. Simple and elegant.
describes the charm of some lives donate. Describes the doubts, fears, anxieties, courage, hope, kindness, friendship, kingship of these men, animated by faith in God and trust in humans. Rare to find a movie made so well and that makes it visible, so that adequate, a fact often difficult to tell. The reality of faith and its implications hidden often ineffable, difficult to define.

The eight monks in the reconstruction of historic photos

The real photo taken at the monks Tibéherine

The kitchen of the convent, now inhabited by a priest and a Sister

The scale by which the kidnappers during the night reached the monks' rooms on the upper floor


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