Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Clean A Carburetor On An Outboard

United Kingdom - February 12 , 2011

1 - Some of us find it hard to feel comfortable in a divine personal connection with you. For many Westerners it is difficult to worship a living person. Can you help? B: - Yes, should understand that the Oneness is not a cult. If it was a cult ... then you would say to relate to only be for a particular instruction, a particular ritual. But it is not. There is the Sri Murthi of AmmaBhagavan: you have to do is to rely on that teacher, that teacher, that God can get away with relationship, and his teachings, you have to rely on his teachings. Now let's say for example that you focused on the teachings of Christ and want to discover the truth of his teaching to "love thy neighbor as thyself." Then you have to sing that particular teaching for 49 minutes. When I sing for 49 minutes, the teaching goes into deeper levels of consciousness, which in turn are programmed. Then you have to take a Diksha. If that is the lesson that you want to use, you have to sing it, then you have to rely on Christ in Sri Murthi, not AmmaBhagavan, and connect to Christ in the way one usually connects with him, or in the way you're used to. If you do it right, you'll really Christ in Sri Murthi. If you touch the Paduk, realize that God is touching the feet of Christ. E ' so we will do. If you want to rely on teaching "everything is empty", this is a Buddhist teaching. Even here you have to sing for 49 minutes and call Buddha, and you will see the Buddha in Sri Murthi. The same with the Paduk. Same system with Islam, or if you follow a Taoist master, you must apply the same procedure. So you should not necessarily rely AmmaBhagavan, no. There AmmaBhagavan of the Sri Murthi, there are Paduk. What we have done is an ancient ritual (Avahanum), which gives our consciousness in Sri Murthi and Paduk. From then on, how many copies will be made, they all have the same power. That's all. Now if you want to call one of our teaching, for example, "loves you itself, "then you say" I love myself "for 49 min. Keep repeating, but in this case, relied AmmaBhagavan. So if you use our teachings, you rely AmmaBhagavan. The best way to relate to you as a AmmaBhagavan mother, a father, a friend. So you have to choose a personality in the Divine. With regard to the Divine, if you invoke "Divine, Divine, Divine ..." nothing will happen, because "Who are you?". There ' there is none. There are only personality. There is Existence, Consciousness, Bliss. Even in the Divine, there is none, there are just personality. And the Divine Being, Consciousness, Bliss. Because you are Existence, Consciousness, Bliss and the Divine or God is Existence, Consciousness, Bliss, you and God are one and the same thing. The only difference lies in the personality. So, what are the personality of the Lord, the personality of God? Personalities of the Divine are all Awake the beginning of time and all those who have realized God If you remove all these things and implore "Divine, Divine God, God, universal energy, universal love" nothing will happen. It 's like if we said "Homo Sapiens, Homo Sapiens," nothing would happen (laughter). There is no personality. So you are completely free to call anyone you want, but that person should be awakened Even God had made or whether it was the first 100 years or 100 million years ago, is not a problem. Each of them has become a personality of the Divine. You have freedom of choice, but you have to choose their teaching. As for rituals, it is not mandatory that you do these rituals or singing bhajans. We (Indians) do it because the only thing we know. We only want them to view and then you create your rituals, based on your culture, your conditioning, about your background. You have complete freedom. Remember that the Oneness is here to liberate man totally and unconditionally. Keep this in mind. That's why we are very cautious in spreading this process, for fear that it can be transformed into worship. This is why it took us some time and care, and we made all the necessary steps. Now pass it to you. And 'your responsibility to make sure that does not become a cult. So, if you make these changes, I do not think you will have difficulty in praying to Sri Murthi. You can rely AmmaBhagavan or you can rely on being with whom you know to connect to, and will be really beautiful, and you will be able to see the divine, just as when he lived on this planet. You'll see it. 2 - We are confident that we will enter the Golden Age now? And if so, what sense does it continue to work to protect the environment? B: - Yes! E ' very very important because as we enter the 'Golden Age, more people will work for the Environment. Now the majority do not work for the Environment. But when the Golden Age, I think everybody will be involved in this important work. This is the meaning of the 'Golden Age. It does not mean that you stop any activity on behalf of the Environment. In fact you will be involved in more aggressive. 3 - I think that we really put back on track, here in England. It seems so to you? B: - Watching all of you, I really feel that we put back on track! 4 - In recent weeks I have experienced great changes and now, going around, I see the beauty in everything: the worms, birds, clouds, trees, everything. But I still feel separate / or persons. Why? B: - It is usually very easy to feel connected with animals, plants and other living creatures. It becomes very difficult when it comes to people. But if it should happen, it normally takes 3-6 weeks before you have this connection. So you have to do anything special, because much will happen naturally and automatically. 5 - I still can not let go of my past, despite having tried to stay with the suffering and pain. What else can I do to handle this problem? B: - The issue is not to stop with the past or let it go. It must go on his own, like a dry leaf falls on its own, must fall on his own. You must not try to leave it. The very fact of trying to leave you even more snap to it. Simply become aware that you are trying to abandon the past. When you get a bit 'Deeksha, they will do the job. You can not do anything for this problem, but to become impotent. Your job, your effort is to see that you are powerless. That's all. All efforts no longer there. The only effort is to see that you are powerless. Then start the process, Diksha takes the lead and it all happens naturally. 6 - Yesterday I felt imbued by the divine and I am a bit 'scared. Please help me and tell me something. B: - This scares you only if your God is a very punishing. (Laughter in the audience). Otherwise there should be no problem. You have to see what your concept of God, and if you decide to have God as a very friendly, the problem will disappear. Review your concept of God 7 - How do we know that we are awake? Talk to you like a dear friend or hear your voice that guides me in every moment, suggest that the path of awakening? I sometimes have insights on the future and things really happen on the scheduled day. B: - The awakened person knows it. However, we have given each week courses to help you understand what it means to be awakened. Now, if there are doubts, these lessons will help you understand if you're awake. But this is not that important. What is important is that these lessons will help you to understand that you are awake (laughs). 8 - I feel that I gave up many times to the Divine, but nothing happens. Can you help me? B: - It seems that you are trying to surrender to the divine but does not work. To surrender as we understand it, you must understand that there is nothing you can do. It 's like ... .... You surrender you, because you understand that there's not much you can do. The moment this happens, the process begins. But if you try to give up nothing will happen. 9 - Many things have changed in my life thanks to your Grace, but this week is that at other times I find myself crying a lot. Help for this problem. B: - Be 'this kind of crying is a good sign and is part of the process, which means that you are very near wake. It 's a good sign, is a classic.


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