Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Junkyard For Snowmobiles

Matthew 6, 24-34 - Surrendering to Providence

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - February 27 2011

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

God and money

24 No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or the one and despise the other can not serve God and mammon.

abandon ourselves to Providence
25 Therefore I tell you Do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you will wear Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Behold the fowls of heaven do not sow or reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? 27 And who of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his life? 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Observe how the lilies of the field do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. 30 Now if God so clothe the grass of the field, today and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 not worry, saying, What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? 32 all these things do the Gentiles; your heavenly Father knows that you need. 33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its. Word of the Lord

The song, at first sight, may seem a kind of invitation to laziness, to live for the day without worrying about the future. Don Fabio is so?
understand the meaning of this gospel - This reading is in fact a little contiguous with a somewhat sentimental reading of this text as an invitation to this sense of beauty, all right, and this sense of abandonment, then many people who want to read this text, at weddings, this is a text that is so often proclaimed. I often say, "Bo. But you understand what you are reading? "Here it comes to understanding, as appropriate Christian liturgy confronts us, what's the first verse which is quite important and explains everything else and says," No man can serve two masters or he will hate the one and love the other, or you and despise the other. You can not serve God and wealth. " The new translation puts it this decoding of the ancient period of mammon. E 'was considered not understandable. Mammon is a term that literally repeated the greek word that we find in the text that was an Aramaic. Mammon if we we're going to see is a contiguous term at the end amen. Amen is a mammun. Mammon is the thing in which they confide. The thing that makes you feel comfortable. In fact, the word faith, EMUNI, indicating lean on something, and trust in something.

real confidence and false confidence - There is something in which we are confident that there remains a concern. Here we must choose between two masters. There is one that takes the worry, that it removes the anxiety from the heart, that this always remains uncertain. Being nailed to a life of insecurity that is never removed from these treasure, these riches. Instead, that other kind of reality that just becomes a belief that you have solved everything, and you have not solved anything. Accumulate and not be sure at all. Here the word is more terrible for those who have not, for those who have. Because in fact, have, have, have, in fact, but then the worry never goes away.

basic needs- What is this here? To be concerned about such as eating, drinking and how to how to dress. Basic needs. Their essential needs. Beverage, food and protection needs of your body. These are the things from which one starts.

A fear that begins with the birth- When one starts to get worried about these things here? When it is born. When one is born is desperate, thirsty, hungry and naked and needs to be covered, fed, treated, quenched.

Money: -effective solution who takes it is this anxiety? The fact that it keeps the money. We can really think that rich countries are really poor countries less concerned? Ah, one can believe it, can think as long as he likes, but if one makes a turn, in a poor country will find that not no advantage in this respect between a poor and rich.

matter who decides to serve- Because in fact what really matters is: Where does my certainty in life? Who is my master? Who is that man? If the one you need is something that I have, but I do not get enough I serve a master who is expropriating, that never lets me have something to the end.

New life is out of this terror- you talking about? We speak of a new life that the Lord Jesus Christ opens up before us. Through this gospel this Sunday we can enter into an extraordinary life. A life in which a child emerges from this terror that we carry from the first moment of our lives. The terror of being abandoned, to enter the certainty that our life is an arrow pointing towards the eternity. It 's a now open on the providence of God that does not mean that we are sheltered from the problems, that does not mean that we'll be always good, that does not mean that we will always have to eat and drink, but every day there will be what it must be because we come to heaven.

The old way of life: to live stuck in the effort to obey fear- If our life is the answer to the request of our childhood, we are never satisfied. If our life is to respond to that atavistic fear, which is deep to be abandoned and not cared for, our lives do not have enough, we're not ever live in peace and terrified of the future, we live in theft of peace instead of what should reassure accumulate more and more we are stuck with what we have and in the end it is we who carry our luggage, but our bags are leading us. And we are stuck in an anxiety that, rich or poor, you can exit . The anxiety of being all my life to defend itself, the whole life trying to protect himself and running away to live and reassurance.

Our life in God's hands- There's a wonderful life, wonderful life of one who begins to realize the fatherhood of God begins to understand that everything that we live in is hands of God, which is not according to the things of this world.

A false idea of \u200b\u200blife: the bourgeois model- It is not that what should happen is that we settle all. We all have some place, the situation for sure, the emotional situation guaranteed. And what is this life? This is a model of four middle-class money that serves no purpose and does not save anyone, and that is not love. We were not born to be safe. We were born to love, we are born to give. But to give us, so we can give, we must be free from ourselves. Stop being anxious. And how can you love a spouse if one is always worried about himself? And how do I love authentic generosity with a child if one should always be to preserve itself? That friend is a man who deep down in the end can not see what is ever threatened his right to commissions, their sources of livelihood.

The enemy that we do not makes us love each other: the concern- It 's interesting that we believe that the enemy of love is hate, rivalry. No. The enemy of love is fear, worry. That why people forget each other, they use, not the care for each other, are not helpful, warm, it is because I am worried. Why have a head full of worries because basically there is no God. We need to think about you. And this is the same in the rich, is identical in the poor. They are all well and I have found in my experience when I was in mission, love for the poor who really knew the depths of their soul was touched by grace and crammed full of things, together with goods that no one, who never peace in my heart. Why? Because they are always still the God of their own lives and serve the things of this world. We need the wealth of this world.

To love and be free to leave should the wealth- There is no shadow of doubt. To be rich you must be able to leave the riches. To love one must be able to leave the riches. To love one must be able to leave the money. Practice. For love is not an economic act. Love is not convenient. Love costs. To love one must know how to leave things. In order to do good must be able to overshadow the money. We must know how to love and obey the money not the other way. We normally have the love that obeys the money. We have the life that obeys our economic concern. To love one must disobey his master. The life that follows is a life full of confidence in the providence of God 'EMUNI and mammon.


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