Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trouver Licence Matlab R2007b

Who am I? What is my real existence?

Question: If the Self, or himself, "is an illusion, who am I? What is my real existence?

Bhagavan You do not exist. This is the truth. That sense of "You and I", the sense of separateness is an illusion. It does not really exist. For example, as you listen to me, like you're seeing, I see but not hear me and hear me when I do not see. But since this process is going so fast you have the illusion that you're seeing and hearing. The two senses are coordinated, as in a movie, if you do not have 16 shots in the second movement of the hand you will not see in the movie theater. If the projector is slowed becomes just like a slide. Similarly, there are coordinating the senses to a certain speed that you feel that you are seeing, touching, as if all these things are going at the same time. It is this illusion that creates the sense of "Me" and "I".
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