Monday, March 14, 2011

Clip Art Man Opening Garage Door

Sri Bhagavan Sri Bhagavan first webcast with India November 21, 2010

FRANK De Robertis

In a group of 200 children aged 12 to 15 years has happened that most of them moved spontaneously in higher states of consciousness, without it we would have done anything for this to happen. They saw their past lives, had experiences in exit from the body, flew home to see what their parents did, talking to trees, or there were strange phenomena such as clouds that followed the children, or talking to God, That same God worshiped at home ... that is happening a lot of things very, very natural, and just as naturally have become healers. No one had taught him nothing. They could heal themselves and others. All these things have happened in a very spontaneous. This phenomenon was later grew and became what we call the Oneness Deeksha or Oneness Blessing, as known in many countries around the world. So what is this
Diksha? The Deeksha is essentially a transfer of divine energy which, in turn, awaken the Kundalini and Kundalini in turn creates changes in the brain that lead, as a consequence, the realization of God or enlightenment or sometimes both.
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