Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Japan may soon overcome the current crisis and emerge stronger in all spheres of life.
The crisis would help Japan to emerge as a nation awakened. Oneness Temple at the prayers are going to help the victims of the crisis and to encourage the ... to release those who have left us. The
Deeksha Givers in Japan should help with the free people of Diksha from trauma caused by the event.
E 'can feel the enormous love from around the world for loving Japanese. Arkady
6 am local time Japan (22 hours ndt in Italy) are the most favorable moment so that the Deeksha is decisive.
E 'recommended course of giving diksha at any time.

(Gratitude to Mary for posting Bernett message from Galina Zaminski originally sent in by Russian Arkady Venediktov who is in at the Golden City Oneness Temple).


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