Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ceramic Steel Vs Diamond Steel

Luke 16: 1-13 - The dishonest steward

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 18, 2010

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Luke 16: 1-13 The dishonest steward

1 He also said to his disciples: "There was a rich man who had a steward who was denounced to him for squandering his property. 2 He called and said, What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, because you can no longer be manager. The administrator said 3 himself, 'What shall I do now that my master takes my administration? Dig, I have no strength to beg I am ashamed. 4 So what do I do that when I am dismissed from office, there is someone to welcome me into his house. He called for a 5 a master's debtors, and said it: You 6 what you owe my master? One hundred barrels of oil. He told him: 'Take your bill, sit down and write fifty. 7 Then he said to another: How much do you owe? He replied: One hundred measures of wheat. He told him: Take thy bill and write eighty. 8 The master commended the dishonest, because he had acted wisely. The children of this world, in fact, to their peers are more astute than the children of light. 9 Well, I tell you, make friends with unrighteous mammon, so that when it fails they may receive you into eternal dwellings. 10 who is faithful in little is faithful also in much, and whoever is dishonest in little is dishonest also in much. 11 So if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will trust the real one? 12 And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else, who will give yours? 13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon.

controversissima This piece presents a parable, and it is very difficult to understand at first glance, the one that serves this dish. And 'the parable of the dishonest steward, who is called upon to render account of his administration, and then falsifies the data of the debts of the debtors of his master, and so gets to save his skin. It seems absurd that this parable is used. In reality we have to say that this is where that phrase is somewhat enigmatic of Jesus Christ, at the end of this amazing story: "... The children of this world in fact, to their peers, are more astute than the children of light ..". This phrase, which has several implications, among other things this means. I'm talking about an example, Jesus says the sons of darkness, the children of this world, those who rule their lives as the money they're doing with a logic of cunning that the children of light have not, that does not belong .

But this cunning, is an example. Under the terms of your analogy. Here we must understand this fact here. This parable is useless to try to explain it in a symbolic world that makes direct reference to the realities of our faith. No. This is an analogy. We see here a man who understood a thing. He understood that time is over that does what it wants. He must make friends. Must find friends on the ground that he should leave the administration. So what does it do? Use of unrighteous wealth to make friends. Use what has been put in hand, in the short time he has available, but has not yet realized its administration to capture friends and support. We have to completely exit from this fact in itself, this act itself and use it by analogy. And speaking of the fact that the children of light have a different world, have more wealth. In fact, we speak here of true wealth and richness false. It speaks of being faithful to a certain type A world in little, and be faithful to the lot. According to various coordinates this sentence is important. So when a person is in the world of money and must get back the accounts, has its own skill, know if the draw. This ability then, who knows how, when being in the world of sacred things, if one forgets. One becomes a person incompetent, ignorant, unprepared. But it is the wisdom which is finally applied to holy things. If we go to see many saints were sinners. Were people who were very very good in evil and redemption, that wisdom becomes their strength to be able to get the most out of the gift of God There is a wisdom that we must apply, we need to know to trade in our faith. We are not called to be Christians dazed, sleepy, a little tontacchioni, but wise, bright, clear, using the things of God knowing full well how important it is what they have in hand.

We come then to understand what is one of the important messages of this gospel.

What is the cunning of the children of light?

The knowledge to make friends with dishonest wealth, because when this will come to miss them welcoming us into the eternal dwellings. Knowing that there is a true wealth and richness false. Knowing that money is a false wealth. The goods of this world are false because wealth will have a term, not stability. They will not have time. These are all things that will be removed, there will be torn.

Then we begin to understand how these things should be used here.

Farci cunning as that administration to begin to understand that money is an instrument of salvation if tamed and submits it to the good. If we make money an instrument of love, behold that which in itself was nothing, becomes a means of salvation, a means of redemption. Unbelievable. The system can become dishonest wealth to become the true treasure.

There is a way of living, of relating to money, which is according to the light. That is finally not be a slave to this world, but be gentlemen, masters of this world.

But in this context, it explores the gospel and begin to understand that there is a subtlety that is loyalty. The argument is repeated fact that this is being faithful in little things in a lot, in the important, in the secondary.

The paste of the wisdom of the administrator is dishonesty. How often repeats that it is dishonest. The paste of the wisdom of the children of light is fidelity. Here are opposed dishonesty and truthfulness, fidelity.

And as we exercise faith?

It 'very interesting and useful as we receive from this gospel. Fidelity begins by little. Start from small things. Our Christian life is made of little loyalty that become the great loyalty of the Christian life. We in the West, we understand the mentality just east underlying the Gospels. We are people abstract concepts. When someone tells us we say, "Okay, what is the core? What's the point?" It is a form even a little violent to listen to the next. The Orientals have shifted their focus more on verbs, verbal acts, actions, much less on concepts, know that actions are to be saved, not the concepts. They know that things are made of small acts, which needless to say an abstract concept, one must see what is the experience of that event or object. So the Christian life is made of little faith, small facts. We believe, with our conceptual approach that the great acts, great moments, great things happen a man. No. It is not true at all. A man with small acts occurs, occurs for details. Occurs for the care that the little things. Love is not an act of skiing. It 's a detailed note. To love a person, means being careful about what they really need. Be attentive to details that are here and now truly urgent. It is not an abstract concept, something generic. Many people think: "Well, I make small transgressions, but then, I am a Christian background." Uhm. One thinks of saying something intelligent. Says something profoundly stupid. If I am willing to send the consciousness dormant for little things, let alone are not willing to do it for great things. If you are willing to silence my conscience for not paying a thing is due, which is small "... but it is small", but if one little thing you are not willing to sacrifice and obedience to your conscience, you will do great things for? If you're willing to steal a € means you are much more willing to steal a million euro. Individuals are evaluated by details. To understand people need to watch how they behave in the little things, when nobody is looking, when one does not count, that's where loyalty comes out. Our Christian life is made of a loyalty to God, which passes through the little things. It 's done for daily prayer. It 'made up of simple adherence to the precepts. Small children, but that does not make them or make them change everything. Our Christian life is a fabric consisting of a wire. The thread of the little things in which we trust God There is a wonderful legacy connected to the small obedience of the Christian life. Our Christian culture has been eroded, destroyed, not because they took the opportunity to celebrate our holidays, not because they took the opportunity to do great events, but from the fact that our life is full of small something completely foreign to Christianity. It 'made of little things that are incompatible with the faith as horoscopes, gossip and nonsense like that in reality the trial pack and bring us to our brains when we produce the largest Christian place, empty.

The Gospel of this Sunday's gospel is a very useful. We must practice in the care of the little things and you have to tame that great master of this world is money, because with this dishonest wealth, we cultivate acts that lead us towards the Kingdom of God. May our lives become a Christian life that has zeal, who cares. Powered by small things. A marriage is saved for small things, but every day, without ever. The dialogue is not avoided. Words do not forget. Acts not neglected. The growth of a happy child is a matter of care. Small things, special care that is expressed in small loyalty become a great fidelity.


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