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Wanda Poltawska - Diary of a ' friendship

Fragments of the book ... " Is it not so, that we really are capable of some good impulses, even heroic, but beyond this, so weak as to be incapable of "life buonaa, dragged hither and thither by our impulses, without being able to fully master, unable to" full freedom ?
The concentration camp, continuous contact Conlie prospect of death had changed his world view, had revealed anything so usually we care more about in our daily lives, "normal" middle-class. So how many former prisoners, could not find for himself a quiet place in the world outside the camp, the family and professional life was not enough, he could not calm his anxiety and his sense of strangeness. He was looking for someone to understand and help her, and runs into a confessor, Father Karol Wojtyla

."... ... In today's world, dominated by the media-soaked sex - a world in which a child kiss on the forehead reminds us of pedophilia, and a fraternal kiss between friends can be easily interpreted as an indication of homosexuality-the friendship between a man and a woman automatically raises the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the sexual relationship. especially in this field, the author could not have met, in his history of wartime and post-employment counseling, facts which argues in favor of the negative response to the confirmation dellla question that was asked: the man was capable of a good life and not just pulse Scordino? He could be very inwardly "free and pure "?... Page 13

... Spiritual direction and personal closeness delgrande priest allowed my wife, Wanda Poltawska, to achieve harmony and peace, have made it possible to combine work with other family life and, over the years - I am just spent sixty - have made possible the continuous deepening and increasing our marital closeness and harmony ... Page 13

A person can not fully understand and satisfy itself, without the help of God This is the message of John Paul II. The carrying out of friendship - you can even say: experiment - presented in the book, and its fruits are a testimony that donferma the positive response to the question about man, the question now Sipone so dramatically before us. This testimony must be viewed, I think, as a "gift" a gift to humanity that demands a great pope. The publication of the book is in a certain way, the delivery of that gift. I am happy and proud to have contributed to its preparation.
comes to mind here's a quote from Aristotle, often referred to by the philosopher who perhaps showed the precise and deep modopiĆ¹ the errors and illusions of modern thought and civilization, Robert Spaemann: "What we can do thanks to our friends is, in a certain sense, what we can accomplish alone" (*). The largest and most powerful friend is instead God, the ultimate support of all people of good will - to all our friends - and the loving Father of all, without exception

(*) Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics , III, 1112b25
Andrzej Poltawski
Krakow, March 8, 2008 Page 14


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