Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wireless Mouse On Dell E 520

Luke 16, 19-31 The rich man

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 26, 2010

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Luke 16, 19-31

19 C 'was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day. 20 A beggar named Lazarus, lying at his gate, covered with sores, 21 eager to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 One day the poor man died and was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 'In his torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 then crying said, Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that you received your good things in life and Lazarus his evil things: but now he is comforted and you are in agony. 26 Moreover, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that those who are here may not want to pass you by, or cost you can cross to us. 27 And he said, 'Then, father, I beg you to send him to my father's house, 28 I have five brothers. He may warn them, lest they be in this place of torment. 29 But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. 30 He said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. 31 Abraham said: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, even if someone should rise from the dead will be persuaded. "

The song presents the parable of Lazarus and the rich, so called Dives, according to tradition. We have to understand, through this parable, what is it about us, what comes to us, because it would seem, the story of a rich man who wears robes of purple and fine linen, and fares sumptuously every day and a poor at their door, covered with sores, who longed to eat what fell from the rich man's table, but they were the dogs came and licked his sores. We must understand this thing about dogs is that they come to lick for animals to lick the fact is caring for the dogs took care of Lazarus, his wounds were licked by dogs, it means that animals were aware of how this was poor but the rich do not. The rich did not see him. Note that Lazarus, the beggar Lazarus, who is at his door. The rich man dies after he died poor. The poor man, Lazarus, be in the bosom of Abraham. The rich man goes to Hades, in torment. And he asks, is interesting, to send Lazarus to dip the tip of your finger to wet the language. It 's interesting that he still thinks of Lazarus as a subordinate. Lazarus must serve him. Lazarus is one that does not count for anything. Continue the mentality that this is a hell which also believes that Lazarus has done a service. Here we have a picture of a horrifying outcome, for a very serious outcome of a separation between things very, very serious.

In your life, dear son, you've got your good things and Lazarus his evil, but now he is comforted in this world you are in agony, but between him and you is a great gulf fixed. There is a great chasm. This is very serious. It 'embarrassing. Of course there is a great gulf between hell and heaven. Between light and darkness there is a great chasm. There are different outcomes to the lives. There are results dramatically, irrevocably different. This makes us a little 'distress, but this anxiety is holy, we need to realize that not everything that we live and what we live is nothing. No. What we live is serious. Already in this life there are these deep, but in this life can be remedied, and it is very important that we remember him. But there is a very big difference between doing good and doing evil. There is a very large difference between those who work for others and who does not care for them, between those who are open to the kingdom of heaven and who does not open. This difference is, needless to say that everyone is equal in this world of relativism, in this world that flattens all the same choices as choices. No. They are not identical and it is not the same. There are people who are suffering so much, and there is a lot of people that are good. There are many people who live a beautiful life. There are many families who live a peaceful life, light, sound. We are not all for the same. In the sense that our choices are choices series. Well. This gap is dramatic. And the rich man still continues to insist, as it can not be relieved him in his pain, claims that at least he saved his brothers, his family, his family. Here is a question of interest at home, Lazarus, however, always thinking about his service, go to experience one, go and say that here is bad. There. What do we pull out the bitter response of Abraham? Says that "the prophets have with them, listen to them!" But if one of the dead come from? But look at that even if one comes from the dead, if a do not want to hear certain things, if one does not want to accept certain things, not their location.

have to carry the prophets. What's it about? It is the Jewish people. Have readily available tools to save themselves. They already have roads, ways. And here we have gradually put on the trail of something that we see from this parable. This man, this rich man had his chance. He had a chance to escape, but the surprise is this. Little by little we understand. This filthy, ragged, smelly that it was at his door that he did not even look that not even the crumbs of his table's arrived, unwatchable this horrible thing that was there at the door of his house was his door to heaven. Lazarus was the salvation of the rich man. Lazarus was a chance that the rich had to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We must take account of the inevitable difference between the outcome of the good outcome of evil. The inevitable gap that exists between the things that is life and things that lead to death and figure out which is the way of life. The brothers have a law and the prophets, Moses had to listen to. This man had Lazarus at the door that they can serve.

One thing that we infer is that we all now have doors to the kingdom of heaven. Probably we are underestimating. E 'we may not be going to the thresholds that God opens which are acts of love that are around us. What are the tools the Word of God, the sacraments, the Church's life. It is impossible to escape, it is difficult to escape, is there at our door. We have Moses and the prophets, we have opportunities to enter the kingdom of heaven. This parable is because we take in hand our lives and discover that everything around us can be a gateway for the grace may be the threshold of Paradise. And to think, maybe to the facts that at present we are denying our existence, those things do not look dirty because they are ragged, are nasty, are a grace, are be an opportunity to trust God, to respond to His love, to respond to life, according to his high calling to be a call to love.


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