Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lower Hip Tattoos Stars

25/09/2010 - Do you come seeking

And you come seeking
just to see you or talk
because I need your presence
to better understand my essence.

This popular sentiment comes from a mechanical
divine mystical and sensual rapture
I imprisons you.
Should I change the object of my desires
not settle for small daily joys

do as a hermit who sacrifices himself.
And you come seeking
with the excuse of having to talk because I like what

you think and you say because you see my roots. This century now

saturated at the end of pests without dignity
only pushes me to be better with more
will. Emancipation from the nightmare of passion

seek the One above the Good and Evil

be a picture of this divine reality.
And you come seeking
because I'm fine with you because I need your

Franco Battiato


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