Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cake Mate Crystals Expiration

Matthew 2, 13-23 - Listening to fulfill the prophecies of the angel?

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus (A) December 26, 2010

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 2 , 13-23
13 They were just parties, when an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him: "Arise, and take the child and his mother and flee into Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is trying to kill the child."
14 Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt, 15 where he remained until Herod's death, it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
Egypt have I called my son.
16 Herod realized that the Magi had mocked him, was furious and sent to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under, according to the time he had ascertained from the Magi . 17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah:
18 A voice was heard in Ramah,
sobbing and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
, refusing to be comforted, because they are not.

Return from home to Nazareth

19 Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said "Arise, and take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel because they are dead which sought the child's life." 21 he arose, took the child and his mother, and entered the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard who was king of Judea Archelaus in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Warned in a dream, he withdrew in the regions of Galilee 23 and had just arrived, he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, to fulfill what had been said by prophets: "It will be called a Nazarene."
The challenge of family - It 's a song that can help a great deal of the challenge of the family. Challenge that we all are. There is nobody who is out of this challenge because we all have to articulate our relationship with our family or origin, or what if we got married, we have formed or that we belong anyway. There is a relationship with the reality of the family that has a relationship with the reality of life.

The complicated challenge for the family of Jesus - And we see in this gospel that this challenge begins in a very complicated and for our Lord. The Lord Jesus comes into a family that lives a series of hardships, difficulties, problems. Joseph, who is the main focus of this text, it is one that faces a number of difficulties. First there Herod wants to try to kill the child. Then he must go to Egypt, precisely, and then return to Egypt when Herod made his earthly journey and so it is freed from its threat. And so on.

parameters with which to manage the challenge of family relationships - Basically what we are talking about. The fact that all of us in the challenge of our family relationships and managing these relationships, we have the principles, parameters. Here parameter appears here in this text.

Giuseppe de ve heard an angel to make its mission - Joseph to carry on his mission to obey an angel spoke to him. The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. He must listen to the instructions of an angel and this angel tells him things very serious, very difficult. Must go to Egypt, facing uncertainty, facing difficulties. And then from there the angel will tell you when to return. The text has its fulfillment in its final sentence, when, warned in a dream, he withdrew in the area of \u200b\u200bGalilee and went to live in a town called Nazareth , " it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets . That is what Joseph needs to pursue is obedience to God's plan must accomplish one thing that was foretold by the prophets.

to obey God's plan to fulfill the promises and prophecies - Then each of us, in front of their existence, facing the management of its life, the temptation to simply according to good sense. Making just the second opportunity and convenience. We discover a new way of living, through our Lord Jesus Christ in the world, and through his family we see that appears to form a new family. One that obeys a plan, one that makes promises, prophecies.

Everyone has to defend the child through obedience to God's plans - there on each of us a plan of God, and God is gone along with this plan. And each of us must protect this child so precious. Each of us has to defend the Lord Jesus Christ in his life and must defend the presence of God in his own family through obedience to God's plan

God, if we get in his way sends us angels - Very often we think we have to go on improvising our lives, making things a bit ' as we are, but discover that God, when we put her on the floor, when we put him on the road that is leading us sends us angels. Now the angels speaking to Joseph in a dream. We can provide so much determination in this picture. Certainly an angel is the name of a ministry, rather than a certain individual or a supernatural being precise. γγελος (transliteration: Aggelos; case: Angelos ) in greek means to herald. We have angels. All of us have the gift of people who have the task a little bit of God's will tell Everyone refers, as Christian to someone. You must do this reference. If we are not listening to an angel, if not we are delivering our lives a little bit to someone who will tell us a little bit, how to manage it, usually act pretty random.

There are dangers that we inform our angels- And usually what we do is that we expose ourselves to Herod. It 'a threat that Joseph does not know. It 'a threat which Joseph did not know. And 'information that gives him the angel. There are dangers that we inform our angels. There are things that we take a little 'lightly. We plan to be calm, we need a wise, angels, guardians, of people who do the service to tell us a little how to protect our lives.

Christians are called to be angels for this generation - This is also a little bit down as a theme. We as Christians have the duty to be angels for this generation. A little bit through our actions, through our choices, through our words and our witness, we are called to show the world how to defend Jesus Christ. After all, a bit 'by himself. After all, a bit 'by the kingdoms of this world.

The challenge of the family is incompatible with the interests of Herod - Because the family has a difficult challenge because it is incompatible with its crucial and delicate challenge with the needs of Herod. Herod has priorities. Our world has priorities that are fundamentally economic priorities, priorities linked to power, priorities linked to management and a world view that is not directly attributable to the priorities of life. While a family's life as a priority. Then what happens? Herod runs, domineering, depriving many families this priority. What to do Joseph? He has to defend, whatever the cost this child. Defending the unborn life, defending the weak, weak of life that is blooming. There.

The mission of Joseph and all of us- After all, a bit 'all we have this mission. The mission of Joseph, the mission of defending our own relationship to life by Herod. Every family has this mission. But Christians are angels in this world to denote parameters, ways of thinking, choices that do not obey to Herod, but know that the escape. We should not be afraid of Herod. We must not be afraid to listen to the angel. Our real problem is not Herod. Our real problem is that we fulfill the prophecies are upon us.
is this challenge that presents itself, the Sunday after Christmas, Sunday Holy Family, is the challenge for all of us to fulfill our mission of fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, to be in any way connected to the other according to the plan of God and not according to common sense or priorities of this world.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

2003 Roush Stage 2 Mustang Specs

Matthew 5, 18-24 - Do not fear, hear the angel!

4th Sunday of Advent December 19, 2010-C

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 5, 18-24

18 Here's how it was the birth of Jesus Christ: His mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph her husband, who was right and did not want divorce, decided in secret. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel appeared in his dream the Lord and said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, because what is conceived in her by the Holy Spirit. 21 she will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. "

22 All this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet:

23 Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son

shall be called Emmanuel,

which means God with us . 24 woke from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his bride,

The prospect of Matthew's Gospel is different from the perspective of the Gospel of Luke. In the Gospel of Luke, Gospel of the classic stories of childhood, we have the perspective from the angle of Mary. But here, in the Gospel of Matthew, the second tells you everything Joseph, because Joseph is in fact what he must do something. This thing here is that in today's text.

We are a short walk from Christmas. Let's see how to accept Christmas, Nativity. As we welcome the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ, his raid. His breaking works by these parameters. So Jesus Christ was begotten. This form here, as was the birth of Jesus Christ, as was the birth of Jesus Christ, said the old translation "This is how it happened ..", so it happens. He has this form here, has this style here. Joseph is a pregnant girlfriend. I mean is that God has taken an initiative that he did not expect and have tried to reject this initiative. In fact, he is in doubt. In a diatribe. What is the problem. If a woman is pregnant, there are a few possible explanations. There is only one. Knowing well not be the father of this child, this woman can not refuse. But it puzzled. In fact, the term here is a bit 'misunderstood' Because he was a righteous man and did not want to accuse her publicly, I think I put her away secretly. " That "and" as it is in greek and as is very often used by the Semites, that greek KAI has indeed a meaning opposed. Joseph was a righteous man, but did not want to accuse her publicly. What is the contradiction. Being a righteous man indicates that Joseph obeyed the law. According to the law was denounced Mary, but he does not feel he wants to acknowledge publicly. That is, is perplexed. In this case, he prefers not to follow the protocol is not convinced this reading. Do you know this woman and is faced with this question. But how can that be? Does not belong to an act of adultery. She knows not to be in front of a adulterous and thus not clear where the ports this card here. And look for a mezzuccio, look for a escamotege, a form not to be compelled to obey the law flatly. He is right, should do things like say the Pentateuch, but does not want to publicly repudiate her. So, while you are considering these things, appears in a dream an angel of the Lord. So is the birth of Christ. So Jesus is generated. In this form. In this surprising way. Where there is a man who must accept a work God

Joseph son of David. This is a technical term. It means a descendant of King in whose lineage is annovererà the Messiah. This is a loaded term. Son of David, will be the term by which Christ is recognized as the Messiah. Then " Joseph son of David, fear not take Mary your wife, because what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit . E 'to conceive the work of God that is bigger than what we think. E 'to accept that God may work in things. What is she, and the Spirit Santo. Accept a move of God In fact, Joseph will have to give him the name Jesus to the Davidic dynasty, the title that is also the subject of Messiah Jesus will receive, will receive the generosity of Joseph, who will host the work of God

Our life in a way we can deal with the superficial, trivial, or we can begin to open ourselves to God's presence in the things that happen to us. Discover that things are heavy with Jesus Christ. Discovering that we can marry our lives. Walk in our streets, those that God gives us to walk, thinking that God has a work in progress with each of us. Many times we are faced with things that we are tempted to refuse.

But to think that God can work in those things and not reject them, not avoid them, do not throw them away. It is clear that we must clearly reject evil, but when the story objectively leads us to a road, rather than run away, it might be worth listening to the angel. Do not be afraid to take what God gives you. Do not be afraid to take what you have because there are things in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is always the case. Breaking the mold and impregnating the story of his work. Making it full of his salvation. How often we are tempted to leave, to quit, to stop, not to go forward, leaving our mission, marriage, fatherhood of our mission, our relationships. No. We should not obey the fears and believe in God's work

To listen to the MP3 recording on the archive of Vatican Radio

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Can You Can A Std From Sharing Pants

Merry Christmas

This crib is hand made. And 'one of the cribs from all over the world exhibited in the cloister of the convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi.

Every nation has helped to build the crib with the characteristic elements of their culture. For example, some Africans are made from the leaves of banana plants.
photographed That seems to me the gift of Liguria.

Meanwhile, in case you consume the daily particolararmente beautiful. I refer to those afternoons when the women came together in a ritual never forgotten afternoons in memory of adults that reproduce the grandchildren of the family and so revive him and make known to the younger generations so that they can in their time to teach those to come.
are magic moments when you lose the dimension of time to get in this eternal time in a generation from one hand to the one that preceded it.

Christmas found
We genuinely need to re-become children, "children in the heart, "to be able to" see what it really is great, beautiful, joyful ": children as were the shepherds, Unexpectedly, in the night, they saw the heavens open on poverty, and populated by angels singing "Gloria," proclaiming that a few steps and there was a cave in the manger was a baby and that baby was the Savior of the world, was God. "
Those who manage to break free from the bonds of advertising that invades every space and time before Christmas, painfully unable to recall the taste of childhood religious Christmas traditions, including the establishment of the crib home with moss and pebbles gravel, and aluminum foil to limit drinking from the pond in which the white sheep of chalk. An old
clock spring, placed on his desk, moves, with its trill, a pastor of plaster that last year, to forget, had not been made between the characters of the crib.
The movement is interpreted as the beginning of the journey to Bethlehem and gives rise to a desire to depart, with the pastor, to the cave where the Virgin Mary was holding in her arms the "Light of the world."
(Luigi Ferraresso)

Let's go to Bethlehem. The journey is hard, I know. Much harder than it was for the shepherds. Who, after all, did not have to leave nothing but ashes of the camp and the sheep among the crags of the mountains ruminants. We, however, we must abandon the security of a hundred yards, the calculations of our savvy enough, the lure of refined cultural heritage, the pride of our achievements ... to go see that? "A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger ...
Let us set without fear. Christmas this year we do find Jesus and with it, the thread of our existence redeemed, the feast of life, the essential taste, the taste of the simple things, the fountain of peace, the joy of the Dialogue, pleasure collaboration, the desire of the commitment center.
(Don Tonino Bello)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Much Paracetamol Can I Take At 38 Weeks

Matthew 11, 2-11 - 3 Sunday of Advent - "Are you propio?"

3rd Sunday of Advent December 12, 2010

Gaudete Sunday

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary by Don Fabio Rosini

Matteo11, 2-11

2 Meanwhile John, who was in prison, having heard of the works of Christ, sent to tell him by his disciples 3 "Art thou he that should come, or we look for another?". 4 Jesus answered, "Go and tell John what you hear and see: 5 The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached , 6 and blessed is he who takes no offense at me. " 7 As they departed, Jesus began to speak to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go to see in the desert? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 What did you go see? A man clothed in soft garments? Those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses 9 So, what did you go see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, more than a prophet. 10 is he of whom it is written

Behold, I send my messenger ahead of you
that will prepare your way before you.

11 Verily I say unto you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

In this passage Jesus declare, will remind us all, through the proclamation of the text, his work, to be able to give sight to the blind, the lame to be able to walk, you can cleanse the lepers, to hear the deaf, to raise the dead because of the poor is good news preached. We need to understand how this situation has obtained. This proclamation of Christ. John is in prison and sends ask: "But you're the one is to come? " On the one hand there is expressed a concern that we see, but a concern, but also the other side is a man who is suffering and the end is suffering because he has prepared the ' arrival of this Messiah. What's happening? He says the bottom: " But, I am suffering, and you wonder I am suffering a good end? Give me confirmation " course we must ask these questions to the Lord. " Lord tell me, because when I am doing your will, and maybe I'm a bit 'suffering, I'm a bit' fighting, but it's worth? But worth it because you're there! Give me confirmation! I need it " All we need to confirm not to idle for a road that leads nowhere, so we must justify. We need to find a good answer. To understand whether it is worth to live our Christian life, whether it is worth to do the will of God and be a little 'prisoners for this world to be a little foreign to some things in this world for us, do not concern us, are far apart. I'm shallow that we are not interested. And be a little more respect in this world. But is it worth?

doubt of John's over this question, but also about his concerns over the fact that Jesus is not exactly what he expected. That is, he waited a cleanups of situations. We heard last Sunday that fire coming, had to burn the straw. He was waiting for this kind of reality and instead get someone else. Another type. Amazing. Why do we always think that God should act according to our roads. The way of John the Baptist, one of which will be said at the end of the text that is greatest among those born of women, but the smallest among the inhabitants of the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. At the end there is a limit. John the Baptist is still a man of the Old Testament. Here comes the second category that is to what that God could make people understand the man. But when it embodies the holy Word of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, God comes among us, is by far the most sublime of our categories. It is his punishment is mercy. It and its correction is the cure. It and its punishment, his speech is hard to change our lives. Give us the opportunity to buy the view. And how many times the only mercy of God makes us finally look in the right key our lives. Only understand forgiveness and love of God makes us see clearly what is happening to us. And here we are talking about someone who not only recovered his sight, but someone who walks, a cripple. How many of us are ambiguous, limp. They do a step, then stop. Resume to walk quickly when you believe that God loves you. When you regain confidence to have in abundance in his care, his salvation. It says here that the lepers are cleansed. Leprosy in the Old Testament is a bit 'image of solitude, this disease that takes away from the village. This disease that isolates us from the next! There. Be cleansed. Finding the next stop because of fear. Maybe even stop him because they fear something will soften.

So understanding what we go here, through these reopen the deaf ear, through this resurrect a dead part of us where not find something that we said: "This is lost! " How many times for a mistake made, or mistakes made by others, gives a lost for so many things and one says:" This is not more you save! " but no! There's Good News! The love of God, us walk again. Jesus is with gentleness, Jesus comes to salvation.

This Sunday is the Sunday Gaudete , the Sunday of joy, this text is telling us that we all can be greater than John the Baptist, because John the Baptist, he knew the law, we know mercy. The law is important, that what we need, that there is a parameter that we suggests many things, but in reality is always just a point of reference, not something that saves us. Salvation comes! And salvation is forgiveness! Forgiveness opens our eyes. God's forgiveness makes us take courage in walking. The forgiveness of God takes away from our lonely leprosy. It makes us listen, makes us live again. "Blessed is he . ., "The text says here," .. that is cause for scandal in me. " Sure. There's a surprise. This motto of John the Baptist. These disciples should go and tell John the Baptist: "Do not scandal that has not reached the ax and the scythe that cuts and kills. E 'come what saves " They have very different attitudes from the face of life. You can have a fight with someone and ask that it be put in place the accounts and that justice is done. Or ask that we be saved. You save the report. Working for salvation. Do not be scandalized by this. Jesus Christ is on the side of reconciliation. Is on the side of what unites us, not on the side of what fragments, separates them. This Sunday we seek reconciliation. This Sunday we seek what is scandalous for the our self righteousness, but that is saving for our poverty. Let's mercy, let what leads to the novelty and little more of the kingdom of heaven, that one who believes in God's mercy is greater than the prophets. Let the side of this little one that opens to the good.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rabbit Water Feeder -alibaba

Matthew 3: 1-12 Sermon of John the Baptist

2nd Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2010

Vatican Radio - Christian Horizons

Biblical Commentary Don Fabio Rosini

Matthew 3: 1-12

1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

3 is he that was spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said:

voice of one crying in the wilderness

Prepare the way of the Lord,

his paths straight!

4 John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. 5 then flocked to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the area adjacent to the Jordan 6 and confessing their sins, were baptized by him in the Jordan River.

7 But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy conversion 9 and do not think you can say to you, We have Abraham as our father. I tell you that God can raise up children to Abraham from these stones. 10 Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 I baptize you with water for repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 He has a winnowing fan, will clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "

John the Baptist prepares the coming of the Lord, preparing the visit of the Lord. A visit is something to which we must be ready. If a visitor comes along and you're not prepared to accept not accept it well. Do not accept the good Lord is a matter a bit 'serious because we lose the graces we lose the beauty, we lose salvation. Then it is very important to greet well. And he gives to welcome a number of indications : "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." is interesting because nowadays, we have a strong perfectionism, a strong narcissism, a strong research ourselves, the issue of conversion of all finalized personal change is basically to our own well-being, to our own well feel. To our well perceived. Even a Christian. No. We are preparing for another. There is prepared car contemplating. We are preparing for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Why is the kingdom of another. The wonder and splendor of the area, place, time that is not really a time and is not a place, the dimension in which God is now our king. So get ready and it takes one crying in the wilderness. This is a quote from the prophet Isaiah proclaims that the return from exile of the people . It is to prepare the way of the Lord is there to make his paths straight. Here it is interesting. We read this term that would indicate precisely what is the conversion, what is to prepare seriously. Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Then we put our acts to be a little bit to the right place. Stop being a little 'crooked, straighten our paths. But those are our paths! Here to talk about preparing the way of the Lord and his paths straight. These are technical terms to describe the Old Testament law of God Which is an indication of John the Baptist. In fact, he speaks very specifically, in various texts which refer to him, to return to genuine obedience.

What is the tendency of man? Taming Taming the ways of God on their reading of shape convenient way to bend the paths of God's words, put God before God tamed, making it a little bit our chaplain. What comes to us and gives us the blessing of our initiatives.

here is to make his paths straight. To prepare. Stand in front. Prepare themselves. That is one thing to look front, that is, prepare it first, period. Prepare. It is to face squarely the ways of God We are lovers of our thoughts. Return to open to the thoughts of God

Why are my ways, always says the prophet Isaiah, are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. So it is here to start looking at the will of God for all of us. A question that perhaps many holy is not done for some time. What is God's will for you? What is God's plan for you? What is the indication that God is giving you? It is a way. A lot of people, many of our brethren in the Christian life, they remain so. Remain a little puzzled. "Why is there a God's will for me?" How long since you ask what is God's will for you. Stand in front of something slightly 'drier. This put John the Baptist, who wears a camel's hair, a leather belt around his waist. This archaic dress, this dress that tastes wild. This eating locusts and wild honey. This diet rather curious. What is it? It 's a man who returns to the origin. It 's a man who returns to the time when Israel was called . At the time the desert, when you walked and God spoke to the people and show him his ways. All of us have had a time when God spoke to our hearts, maybe we were a bit 'lost. We hope that this is the time when God speaks to our hearts. But there was an important moment where we were closer. Maybe we were younger. It was a time when we had the heart more open to God, that he felt that it was pointing to a road.

Then we started to knead. We have tamed it. We have learned an art which speaks of John the Baptist here. Seeing the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, says, "You brood of vipers", ie children of a snake "who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come." One thing we have learned. To not worry about the consequences of our actions. A do not think there is connected a holy wrath of God for our mistakes. Not we see this word in the negative. There is a consequence of things. When things are ill done, causing pain. In that there is a love of God to men. If you hurt someone, but God does not love that? God will not defend that? There is a mechanism in the reality that a mechanism is also a consequence of pain that used to wake up. To realize the harm done, someone tells us to flee from the wrath to come. To believe that you evil and nothing happens. Minds, and nothing happens. You are sloppy in the care of the good things in your life and this does not affect. It is not true at all. This is a time for straighten the ways of God realization that God's ways are straight. They are simple and clear. Not something where we can handle. No. No. The disease causes pain. Continue to have a bad habit in the lineage we treat ourselves and our neighbors, causes pain. This is something that prepares us to meet the Lord puts us in front of ourselves with our weakness and also with the sense of our mistakes that we need. If you are a savior, if someone is holding the shovel and clean up his yard, which will gather the wheat into his barn and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire, so we are pointing to a fact. Someone will come along that will clarify. Throw away the dross, deliver us from which is not good, does not save us. There who wants to remain in the ambiguity, there are those who do not want the arrival of the Messiah. The Messiah comes. Comes. Is many times. We visited many times through the events of our lives. The holy providence of God calls us to free ourselves from the chaff, to free ourselves from the straw useless, nothing that we carry from this him and we do not need. Prepare the way of the Lord means, drying, simplified. This is a time. The time of Advent is a wonderful time to return to themselves. To wake up to remember the good received and off evil.