Friday, November 16, 2007

1st Birthday Monetary Invitations

Nextra Real Estate Development

I'm trying to get at a good price from the closed real estate fund Nextra Real Estate Development.

The reason, as shown in the chart on the left, is that it has breached an important trend-line to the parabolic rise, foreshadowing future heavy corrections.

The chart on the right I have given some simple linear trend-line, which are all sisters between them. By this I mean that the angular coefficients of these lines are all derived from the same time factor that is the famous Time Factor so often quoted by WD Gann. The steeper lines are of the type 2x1, 1x1 type of the less steep.

This serves to identify important support and resistance lines that affect the title in his zigzagging seemingly at random. In my opinion prices will move towards the intersection of the two trend-line as indicated by the blue arrow, since this is a powerful attractor very .

As I held the title at an average price of 2108 €, I prefer to go out and expect that prices will fall around 2150 € to eventually return.


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