Friday, November 16, 2007

Hospitals Accepting Tricare


analysis I, too, although a bit unusual, Unicredito title.

bring prices on a logarithmic scale, you can draw a nearly perfect parabola (6 contact points) that acts as a resistance to the top of the chart.

itself allows me to identify other identical parallel parables that divide the graph of Unicredito in three distinct zones: zone pricing " high", " average" and "low .

What I can deduce is that, because of recent news on the title, the prices have made an adjustment moving heavy zone "high" to "low", but potentially still remaining in the growing trend . It 'important to make sure in the days following a possible re-test fee of 4.8-5.0. If you were to take would be a good sign that would indicate the resumption of growth.

more or less the same conclusion (albeit from different premises) that are found in this analysis Unicredito made by John Solis in his blog.


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